Talks On Pakistan’s Proxy War Started Again. Is something Cooking?

Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane held a conference at Delhi on January 11, 2020, where he said that India wouldn’t refrain from taking over the control of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir if the government orders the same.
This was called a “provocative “ and “irresponsible rhetoric” by the Pakistani Army, that could hamper the peace, security and stability of the government. General MM Naravane also pointed towards the collusion between China and Pakistan, by mentioning that the Indian Army would be vigilant at the Siachen glacier in adherence to the possibility of PAK-CHINA activities that might be targeted towards General MM Naravane India.
While he was taking charge, General Naravane did point towards a very radical and preemptive approach towards the country’s attack and defence policies. He has already deployed men at the borders of China and Pakistan.
In his message on Army day, he reaffirmed the faith of the people in the Army and said that– Army is a valued institution of our country, asked the people engaged in “proxy war” to remain alert.
The above statements cannot be considered a mere conjecture, we witnessed the Balakot airstrikes right before the elections, and now the polls are right at the door again it would be like a déjà vu when we see the relationship between Pakistan and India compromised yet another time.
Will, the government, take affirmative actions against Pakistan that would again have two polarised opinions (either it was election propaganda or was a very mighty nationalistic action)?
Can India actually afford to take radical decisions now when the economy is unstable, and so is the political situation in the country?
What would be the impact on international trade when the USA shall be the focal point which would be the decider notch for the beam balance of Indo-Pak and Indo-Iran politics? Is “proxy war” a warning?
Time shall tell