INDIA is getting restructured in many ways possible for the development that can bring up new ways and safety to the citizens of the nation. If one observes with a clear vision, the drastic changes from a child’s education to development in infrastructure have been raised to a new level. Considering the new line of implementations, CISF focused on airport security in Indian domestic and international airports.
CISF – ‘Central Industrial Security Force’ is an official in charge of security for all commercial airports in India. By the end of this quarter, approximately 59 international and domestic airports which are controlled and taken care by CISF are expected to have a big-time reconstruction in terms of security levels. Recent development in terms of adopting new age security techniques, CISF gave a head start to implement body cameras to the security personnel at the entrance and checkpoints at the airports. Body-worn cameras are the wearable cameras that security personnel could carry to capture audio, video, and photographic recording. This will help in documenting the things happenings around and will also help in catching hold of any fraudulent misfunctions that could take place.
CISF officials successfully completed the trial run of body-worn cameras fixed on the upper body of airport security personnel in Delhi and Mumbai airports till last week. There was a live example where a person started arguing with the security in the airport during frisking process, and when he observed he’s been recorded with body cameras, he cooperated with them silently.
This initiative is taken to focus more on surveillance in airports to have a close look by monitoring on people and their fraudulent actions. Being introduced by new DG, Mr. Sudeep Lakhtakia, it is also announced that this is to minimize the unnecessary disputes and easy flow of frisking process between passengers and officials. The device can be authorized and checked for further evidence if required.
The use of miniature cameras is already a process in western countries and is going to be introduced officially in our country very soon. A single camera is going to cost around Rs. 60,000/. And now, the process of installing them for each security personnel near checking points and entry will be completed by March. The project to purchase 500 cameras is of Rs. 3 crore, is in the bidding process.
This seems project of installing body cameras help security personnel very well, to deal with arguments that public charge on and to solve unpleasant complaints. Hope to see more of such positive reforms in our country very soon.