Tarot Reading 3rd August 2020 – 9th August 2020

Aries (21 March –19 April)

You need some break from nightmares that don’t let you sleep properly. You need some time out, and for that you should divert your attention to something light and happy. You need to entertain yourself a bit because you have forgotten how to have fun because of the present global pandemic. You are very much affected by what is happening around, and beyond your surroundings, that is the reason why you are so tense.
Focus on the positives rather than concentrating only on the negatives of any situation and try to come out of this mindset where everything which is happening is wrong or bad. Good things are also happening, focus on them. With determination, you can again start to live a normal life without taking tensions or getting upset. Focus on the bright side of life.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

You have worked too hard, and therefore you need to take a lot of rest. Consider relaxing and taking care of yourself and also treat yourself special. You deserve to relax. Something in your life will change this week, and you might meet your partner – love or business, or any partnership can happen during this week. You might also like to have a little get together with your very close friends and have a good time with them. Take some time out and spend with your close friends in any way you can.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

Are you becoming someone who dislikes other religions because you think they should be hated? You are becoming too rigid and narrow-minded. It is better you start respecting every religion and see them as your friends and not your enemy. You are going on the wrong path of hatred, and you should come back to the path of friendliness with every religion.
Don’t listen to others who feed you with such venom and listen to your own heart which continuously telling you to start loving every individual regardless of her/his religion. The path that you should walk on must be that of love and friendship and not hatred.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

In between experiencing the deceit and heartbreak, your life will become better than before, and you will have some reasons to take a huge sigh of relief as if the worst is over. You have been deceived by someone, and you were truly miserable.
But now since the things are changing for the better, forget the past and move on. Good times are on the horizon, and you shall live in peace in the time to come. Heal your heart and don’t dwell in the past; otherwise, you won’t be able to appreciate the new in your life which is in your favour.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

If you want justice to be done with you, do justice with others. Are you not listening to someone who has a lot to tell you? There is someone who wants to tell you something basically has a lot to share, and there are experiences of that person or those persons. They want to share with you something but unable to because you don’t have time.
Take time out for people who are close to you and listen to them. Give them importance. They are your near and dear once, and they need some attention. They are going through a lot, and you can help them and show support by listening to them and solving their problems. Listen to them; they have things to share. Dig them and find out what they have to tell you if they are not telling you anything.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

There is someone who is very dominating and is torturing you so much, that you are in great stress. You have to tactically handle this person rather than emotionally firstly by not taking anything personally. This person is confused and doesn’t know how to handle herself/himself. You can give your helping hand if this person allows. She/he is trying to force things on others, but you can peacefully resolve all the issues without being seen as a rebellion. With tact and gentle behaviour, you can handle this situation and can come out of your problems.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

Something new is swiftly coming towards you. It could be a new college admission, a new job or a new project. Whatever new is coming must be welcomed with an open mind and an open heart. This opportunity maybe a little smaller than you were expecting, but it still has something to offer if you think about it with a fresh mind and open mindset. Don’t overlook it just because it is a smaller opportunity. Something is better than nothing. Think in this way.
Also, you are encouraged to spend some quality time together with friends and family because it is essential. You need the support of people, and you have been too alone for a lot of time, you need your people beside you. No one can live alone forever, and hence friends and family should always be given prime importance.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

You are working like a machine. You should take a break and try to live a balanced life where you have ample time for your family. Your family is concerned about you, and they want you to stop now – at least for some time. You are not taking any rest at all, and your body needs rest, or else you might get caught up on in major sickness. So work only that much which can be done in the day time. Don’t extend it at night as well. Hire someone to take care of your extra work but don’t expand your work until you have help.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

You need some excitement in life because you are too bored. You don’t see the magic in life because you are disinterested in experimenting and seeing things from a different perspective. You need inspiration.
On the other hand, you do things without thinking at all on a whim. You should decide after discussing with your near and dear ones and not in a rush. Take time and then decide because these decisions are crucial for you.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

There is a great sadness in your life right now, and you need a respite from it. Your grief is genuine and what is in store is – Hope. Be hopeful that things will change because they are going to change, and you are advised to be in touch with those people to nourish you with love, compassion, kindness, empathy and understanding. Go to these people and pour your heart out. You need to get healed, and these people can help you in healing. Don’t lose hope and look forward to the good time.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

Expect extreme changes in life which will unsettle you and shake you to the core. And these changes are a mix of good and bad. You want to look ahead, but these changes are not letting you move forward but taking you to something else. Your direction has changed, and you feel discouraged and disheartened, but this experience will change you to a certain extent, and you can always do as you planned. But are you sure what you planned earlier is the same you plan today? Or you have changed? Life is a roller coaster ride, and the coming time will show you this.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

This is not the time to begin any new thing but continue with what you have been doing. Do anything only when you are convinced. Because many obstacles will come in the way if you do anything right now. Hence carry on with your work knowing that obstacle can come. This is the time of chaos and conflicts; hence be careful you don’t jump in any dispute with another person. Avoid conflicts. Whatever it is, you still shouldn’t give up. Never give up and stay strong. Your strength will help you in adverse situations.
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