Tarot Reading 28th September 2020 – 4th October 2020

Aries (21 March –19 April)

This time however stressful and dark, you will have ample chances of dreaming and achieving huge. Expect some exciting messages in time to come and look for the new opportunities here and there because this is your time, and the sun is shining brightly in your life. If you are not looking for opportunities or you have given up, get up and start looking. Don’t let discouragement take-over you. Be hopeful this time, and do your best.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Life is full of new emotions right now for you. Either you are in a committed relationship or a newly wedded groom or bride. Life is not the same, and you are touched by love deeply. Love is all around you, and you are very fortunate to get who you and what you wanted. Just keep in mind that you still need to maintain the love with your partner even when your honeymoon period gets over.
Don’t let your high expectations take a toll on your relationship. Keep your expectation slow and let life surprise you. Also, avoid fault finding and complaining because these things might affect your relationship in the wrong way. Be happy and contented because what you have got is a gem. Don’t lose it with your bad attitude.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

It is you or someone you know is devastated because of a heartbreak. You can help this person very much. This person is close to you, and you have time and energy to help this person. Don’t leave this person alone; stick to this person.
If it is you who is heartbroken, sunny and brighter days are shining on the horizon. You might meet someone else, and you might soon begin a new journey as far as relationship is concerned. Don’t bring your past in the present and future. Keep your past behind and move on. This is the time to march ahead and not sulk for what happened in the past. Make peace with the past, accept it, and move on.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

You are mature enough to compromise creatively. Yes, this is what you are supposed to do in these coming times. Don’t be rigid, be flexible because this is the need of the hour. Compromise is inevitable, and you can not run away from it, but there are high chances that you will still be able to make changes in your life.
If you remain optimistic, then you will definitely be able to make creative changes in your life. This will help you live a better life despite some compromise that can make you uncomfortable and take away your freedom! Be smart and accept the changes and compromises coming your way.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

You are exhausted, and now you want to rest. Just trust the highest power and surrender. You have to trust the supreme being who is taking care of you. Calm your mind and trust the flow of life. Relax and meditate or divert your mind to something happy and positive, don’t stay in this exhaustive mindset all the time but let your mind be calm and composed. Do something exciting and leave the rest for later. You don’t have to do everything now; Things can wait. You have to gain your sanity back. Relax and rejuvenate and get back to action.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

Keep dreaming on. One day you will see your dreams materialized, and then you will realize that everything is possible. Keep dreaming and stick to your dreams. Don’t give up on your dreams; instead, apply all the creative tactics to achieve your dreams.
Be as creative as you can, and you will see how your dreams come true because success is assured. Be confident, and don’t think negative, and don’t take stress. Keep on doing that is essential for your dreams to materialize and leave rest on time. Don’t panic, be patient and have faith that what you dreamt will definitely happen. Give it some time and see for yourself.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

You are called for a journey to meet your lover. If your lover stays far away from you, you are encouraged to go and meet her/him. This journey is for you to confess your love and unite with this person. You both have been on and off with each other, and finally, you both are on the same page. Take advantage of this opportunity and take all the precautions to safeguard you from Corona and go on this journey to shower your love for that person. It will be a fruitful journey because even you know that this person has fallen in love with you. It’s a mutual feeling.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

Become friendly with your mind and tell it to calm down. You don’t have to fight with the world because you think that everyone is your enemy. Bring your mind to peace, and instead of harboring rivalry and animosity, become friends to those people because here in your case, they aren’t wrong or did wrong to you, but it’s you who are being bad-tempered with them.
Come to terms with reality, and don’t assume that everyone is your enemy. Make peace with the people around you. It’s your mind that is playing tricks with you else everything is good and in place. Those people actually care for you and whatever they say is good for you. Think again. They love you and care for you instead. So, make peace with your people.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

You have experienced many struggles in the past, and now what you need to do is relax and meditate. You need some ‘me time’ to solve your unsolved queries. You are very tired of this struggle, and your mind is playing with you. Don’t let your mind master you. Yes, things are not that great, but if you think positive, leaving all the negativity aside, you will definitely be able to think differently about this situation.
You just need to fix your mind. It is very complicated right now. You are not able to think straight. Solve every puzzle one by one, and you will be able to come out of this mess and live in a better way.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

You are comparing apples with oranges. You are judging somebody brutally without that person’s fault just because you don’t like that person as this person doesn’t fit in your criteria for the marriage with your child. You are not approving this match for one of your children, and you are very harsh as far as this person is concerned. She/he is more than a better match for your child, but you are very apprehensive about this relationship.
Open your mind and start looking at this relationship in a different way. It isn’t that bad the way you think. Change your perspective and listen to your children. They are not wrong all the time. They have feelings and emotions and don’t try to suppress them.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

You are facing problems in working within a team. You have team members who are quite bright, and you are feeling inferior working with them. This is your thinking and not reality. You are as bright as they are, but you lack confidence and self-worth. It is because your own people have conditioned you that you are not that good in a few things. People have judged you wrongly, and you believe in what they say.
This conditioning is from your childhood, and you cannot get past this mindset that you are a mediocre person in several areas. The moment you realize that it was a lie and a false judgment of you, you will start opening up to life. You haven’t reached where you are because of just your luck; you have reached here with your smartness and hard work. Don’t ignore your qualities, and don’t let anyone put you down.
Try changing your attitude towards you and feel that everyone who said you aren’t good enough was wrong. You don’t have to prove to others but yourself of how good you are at everything. Don’t waste time in thinking less of yourself but get up and feel proud of yourself.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

You don’t have to rush for anything; just take your time and do things at your own pace. Delays are inevitable, and you will soon feel that you can’t run things when the entire world has come to a standstill. Your work is being affected because of lockdowns and restricted movements in various parts of your country and beyond. Accept this fact that things will move slow. Hence work accordingly. Don’t try to rush things as they will happen at a slow pace.