Tarot Reading 21st September 2020 – 27th September 2020

Aries (21 March –19 April)

You are in the desperate attempt to save your love life; hence you are relocating as well. Whatever decision you have taken, stand by it and don’t feel guilty of what you have done. As long as you don’t feel bad about leaving your parents, it is all good, but you should not leave them forever. They need you more than anyone else. Be in touch with them, and don’t stop communicating with them ever! They are your first love and no change in your life should be so cruel that you leave them on their own.
It is not their mistake; circumstances have become so bad that you thought of leaving. Don’t judge your parents. Be with them and keep coming to them. Do not break relations with them at all! You will repent later if you stop talking to them or you stop taking care of them. You will definitely regret it later! Be in touch with them and go back to them when things settle.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

You need stability in your life, but because you don’t speak well with others, you are having problems in settling down. You don’t realize that your sarcastic nature takes away every fun from your life. Because of this, you have lesser and lesser friends, and the number is decreasing at a constant rate.
Those who work with you don’t want to come to you because of your constant fault-finding and sarcasm that belittles others. You have less number of people talking to you these days, and it is an alarm for you to wake up from your slumber and look around what you have messed up.
Keep your ego aside, stop taunting everyone and don’t find faults – instead appreciate everyone you meet. This is the only solution to your problems. Without your people, you won’t be able to succeed. You are there because others helped you – you didn’t reach there solely. Acknowledge the contribution of other people in your past and present success and give them full credit. Only then you will be able to win people’s heart.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

You have had quite a journey. You left everything ages ago only to build a new life for you and your family. You have crossed borders and made such gem of friends that had taken the place of your family in an alien land that was when you settled there. You now belong to another country, and you have accepted its culture wholeheartedly. The land you settled also accepted you entirely, and now you are living a wonderful and beautiful life with all your closed ones who have helped you built a dream life.
All you need now is some rest. You have worked enough, and you are a workaholic, and that’s the only reason why you are advised to rest otherwise you rock at whatever age you are in. Age doesn’t apply to you. You are better than many young people who are working for you at this age as well. You deserve some rest in between, and also you must take care of your health. You need a better and relaxing lifestyle which will help you in maintaining your health.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

You are living a comfortable life, and you are happy with it. You know it’s your best time ever, but your thoughts are not letting you to be satisfied. You are worrying about something that hasn’t happened, and the chances of it happening are also significantly less, but you are continually worrying about many things at a time.
You are advised to master your thoughts and not to think negative and super hypothetical. Otherwise, you will not be able to live happily. The secret to happiness is to think less and positive. Overthinking kills happiness. Also, because of your focus on unnecessary things, you are not able to do things that you are very good at, and you have the opportunity as well to prove yourself. Therefore you are requested to do more and think less.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

A marriage is about to happen in your family, and you are extremely busy in organizing it. In fact, this marriage is happening on a terse notice, and everyone is super excited and happy and have delegated work to each other. This marriage is as if a blessing on all of you. You have been trying to get your sibling married for a very long time, but he has been on his own journey so far. You all were very worried about his marriage, but it is now that he also wants to settle down. The only thing to take care of is your sibling’s spouse.
Don’t expect this person to compromise all the time. This person has her/his own personality, and she/he cannot continue to compromise forever. Make things easier for this person and try to understand her/him rather than judging this person for who she/he is. You all should also compromise somewhere and let this person live happily. Don’t compare this person with others because your sibling’s spouse is different, and her/his concerns are genuine. Other than that you have a lot to be happy about.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

Time is not suitable for you. Your own people might act as if they are your competitor and will try to sabotage you or take advantage of you and even demoralize for continuing what you were doing. In almost every area of life, you are facing something or the other, and you are still going strong.
You need all your strength to pass this time because this is the time you will learn the most important life lessons which will help you grow in life. These are tests and trials, and you are required to be very patient and mentally ready to fight these battles on your own. Even if nobody helps you in these times, be prepared to walk alone and be very firm on your ground. You can move mountains. Be this strong.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

You have achieved a lot at a very young age, and now you are looking forward to settling down with a life partner. Your entire focus is to find the right person to spend your life with. You are on the right track but don’t attach so many expectations on a single person whom you are dating with. This person cares for you and might also commit later but don’t expect too much right now.
Keep your focus on being happy rather than commitment for now. Life will take a beautiful turn but for now, lessen your expectations on someone who cares for you. It will help you in keeping this relationship intact. Otherwise, unnecessary conflicts might arise.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

You have limited yourself way too much, and now this is the time to meet your friends of the past and present. Reconnect with your friends and see how much you start enjoying your life. Friends make a huge impact on life, and hence you should focus on expanding your social circle along with connecting with your family and extended family.
You are going towards an overwhelming monotony of life, and this can lead you towards depression, and that’s why you are advised to go out often and for long and meet your friends personally. This will help you to come out of the depression and will help you immensely in improving your immune system. The more you love life, the more your immunity is strong. That’s why you are encouraged to live your life in a better way and to the fullest. Socializing is the key and pouring your heart out to your friends as well.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

Don’t invest in share market. Otherwise whatever you have earned might just go away from you! You might lose your life long savings in share market. Instead of investing there, you should invest it in creating something of your own.
If you are in a position to open your own enterprise, do it. It will help you prosper and will give you ample reasons to be satisfied with your work. Even if you go in loss initially, it will be better than losing everything in the stock market. This was the worst-case scenario of failing in your enterprise, but still, you will always have ways to recover from your own business. Plus it will give you the independence of choosing how you want to live in life. Think seriously about it and only then invest.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

You are having a difficult time in deciding because you have involved others in it. Although it is always good to take a second opinion, you must always listen to your heart. If you are becoming confused, then stop asking others to decide for you. Take your decision because those who are choosing for you are not doing it correctly. They have their own vested interests, and hence they are not helping you; in fact, they are making your problem even worse. What is the point in asking from those who are not being loyal to you? Hence take a step back and stop asking for help in deciding and take your own independent decision.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

You are feeling guilty of spending too much. You must let go of the mentality of having everything and try to live a not-so-demanding-life. Keep your demands minimal for a few months, and in fact, you should refrain from buying anything expensive or less expensive for over six months straight without breaking this promise to yourself.
Yes, make a promise to yourself for not spending any money for no reason. Though you might think that your demands are not unreasonable, but they are. That’s why you are falling short of cash all the time. Refrain from overspending and don’t spend at all for 6 – 8 months. You will see the difference in your income and expenditure, and you will save more.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

You are not unwanted or burden on life. You are the most beautiful creation of Divine, and you are much more than you know about yourself. You are exhausted and under a lot of pressure of work as you are in the topmost position of your company and so much criticism that you deal with in your day-to-day life is making things difficult for you. You are self-doubting and very disappointed with yourself plus your bosses pressurize you so much, you are emotionally drained.
You need to recharge yourself immediately by shaking yourself up and thinking good about yourself. You need encouragement and a lot of motivation. If you can’t find inspiration inside you, look around for it. There is plenty. Don’t doubt yourself and fight like a lion at your workplace. Be your own boss and start valuing yourself, others will adjust with you.
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