What do people do when they split up?

Many of us have witnessed break-ups in their life or in the life of their closed ones. Break-up always brings unhappiness uneasiness followed by an initial stage of shock and defeat. Even if some of us put forward the tag: “No right, no wrong, no rules for me, I’m free…”, break-ups always bring a sense of being replaced, a sense of denial, shock, anger, sadness, depression, low self-esteem. We do a lot of crazy stuff just to elevate our self-esteem and just to feel good about ourselves again. Men and Women Suffer differently but enduring post-break up syndrome is more or less same for them.
Initially, we experience the state of shock, then we go into the phase of loner and depression stricken and then we come to the stage of acceptance and then we move on. Different women tend to behave differently during these stages.
Followings can give us a brief description:
- The Mourners: Girls surely will cry over and over with all the sad romantic songs stuffed in our play-lists. We keep thinking about all the good times we spent with our ex (ouch). We naturally go into the phase of hibernation. We start to eat less or to overeat, start to sleep more. Once this phase is over…
Girls, stay indoor, to cope up with their state of shock and defeat and to eradicate the feeling of being rejected. - The makeover-ist: We try to look different, we get a new hair cut, or go for piercing or an overnight change of wardrobe.
Girls go through a pampering phase to boast up self esteem. - Party Animals: We start to go out with girl’s gang. And spend more time with them. We go for hangouts, for a movie, or visit discos, or we give ourselves retail therapy. But whenever we see couples out there, we feel a jerk of hidden pain.
Girls love to spend times with friends as her girls’ gang give her the impression that she is still important to other people. - The Devdasis: while we are trying to move on; we sometimes let out our pent up pains to our close friends through all the crazy ugly cries.(sometimes after heavy drinking).This stage have crucial relevance, as some girls stuck here for ever, they just can’t move on further with their life.
- The Back in the Game Babes: Then after some more days we accept the fact, and forgive or start to give less importance to our past and took our final step towards the last stage of moving on with sharpening our skills of flirting with opposite sex.
Girls eventually start to date someone else, as these casual dating gives them confidence about themselves. - The Winners: We finally step into the final stage of moving on with the strong feeling of self-confidence, with no more regrets, no more hard feelings.
Girls, eventually rediscover her,and move on with her life, with no regrets, no hard feelings in her mind.
Now, MEN:
- The Bear Brothers: Like girls, after break-up Men do a lot of hibernation, break-ups are hard on them too, even if they don’t admit. They spend a lot time, alone, with video games, or watching TV, spend a lot time with their guitars. Life is hard for the guy who is spending the post-break-up period. The time duration for this period varies form person to person.
Guys need this alone time, to get over from his state of shock and trauma. - The drunken Lad: They start their getting over the process with a drunken phase, they call out their buddies, or visit some friend’s place, and drink till he forgets everything or pukes.
Some guys choose to be with his bros and be an alcoholic as a recovering step from his trauma. - The Tourists: Some guys, who love to see new places, love to interact with new people or only love to drive their bike or car. They choose to go for a long drive or on a vacation with their Biker’s gang or gang of bro’s.
- The Thinkers: This times they think about other exes or other girls who were involved in his life, he will call them, just to distract his mind from your thoughts.
Along the process of rediscovering his happiness, a guy often thinks about his other exes. - The pornographists: Some of them start to watch more porn than ever, they enter this phase to cut down their frustration and pent up anger.
- The stalkers: This is the most crucial period for men, as some of them stuck here for eternity, they start to stalk their ex on different social media, and when they see that the girl is moving on with her life they feel jealous and curse their ex for not having any post-break-up syndrome.
Some guys stalk their social media profile - The Builders: To release the emotional pressure, some guys starts to work out, they hit the gym regularly and thus with sweat they release their emotional stress.
Some guys go for a heavy work out regime, to release their emotional stress with sweat. - The Movers: eventually they stops thinking about you all the time, and start to look out for new prospective partners, they start all those casual dating and stuffs, and just move on.
After all, it’s out of sight and out of mind.