I don’t know how to start with this article or rather I am just confused how to put up so many things on one page. I have been keenly observing all the deals for being in the early 20s and it is not easy.
The period from mid 20s-30s is the period of transition; transition in all forms. Nothing seems to be going the way we want it. Interaction with friends become minimal; think of utilising the time for something more meaningful when you are out and every morning you wake up with the feeling that you have absolutely nothing to look forward to. You start feeling the life has become stagnant.
The time is flying and you are left behind. In short, it’s a trial of confused identity, misguided purpose and hopeless transition. Society has named this as Mid Life or Quarter Life Crisis. The definition might sound dramatic but nothing to worry about. It’s normal to have this phase in your life. I have dealt with it and sometimes it strikes me again. You might be experiencing a serious low point in your life but you are not alone.
There’s a transitional period in every person’s life of leaving adolescence and entering adulthood. Nothing is really established at this point in our lives. Before this, I never knew we have a term for this phase. It’s a fairly new affliction in our generation. We are the generation of hyper-stimulated and eternally distracted. We have an unprecedented amount of choices flooding us left, right and centre. There are so many decisions we have to undertake to shape our entire future.
We are told that job, marriage, kids are key symbols of adulthood. People are just exhausted in the process of yearning for responsibility and financial independence. We just forget nothing can be achieved at the snap of a finger.

From a carefree childhood full of comfort and stimulation to a critical point in our lives where everything is solely our responsibility and fate to decide, we somewhere get caught in between the desperateness to hold onto the youth which we feel is slipping through our fingers and also desire for the stability adulthood brings. The twenty-something becomes the platform where you start getting mixed signals from the society. They will always keep telling you that you are not the “real” adult and slowly you enter the “pretend adulthood” state.
But aren’t our 20s supposed to be the most refreshing one? Falling head over heels with ourselves, a career, passion and dreams. You are allowed to take chances and fail and again try for it. You can’t be labelled as an underachiever. Feel the decisions you took are always right. Today the success is personal. It’s about using the years of emerging adulthood to figure out what works the best for you. Don’t get trapped in false commitments you make and the act of maturity because you can never reap the benefits by doing so. Feeling lost is okay. People grow more when they are lost than when they are on a straight path with a clear view of where they are going.
A mid-life crisis is usually deeply chaotic and creeps in so smoothly that you don’t even realise it until you’re fully in its grip. At times, life can be meaningless and very slow, not every day is a fun day, that’s what life’s about! Find solutions for every problem before you tap out. It’s also important you don’t compare yourself to other people and stop pouring over people’s Facebook and Instagram albums in envy. Focus on your path. The sooner you let go of what others expect of you the better.
Remember the most successful transitions happen when the person making the change receives time to adjust, space to grow, and support for tough decisions.