Aries (21 March –19 April)

There has been an overflow of love and happiness in your life regarding your marital life. You are so happy that it shows on your face and in your entire being. Things are going very well, and you feel that this was the kind of life you were hoping for. The only thing you must avoid right now is to make reckless decisions in haste. Because if you don’t weigh the pros and cons of the options available to you, you might end up risking your happy life. Take some time and consider all the pros and cons of the options available to you. You might end up inviting unnecessary problems in life just because you didn’t analyze your situation properly. Don’t rush; take your time.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

There is a lot of burden on you right now, which wasn’t there earlier, and you are avoiding some decision making. You think you are supposed to do everything alone, which is why you are having a hard time delivering. With quick decision making and involving other people in your life, you will be able to move ahead from here. Also, bring more humour into your life by not taking life so seriously. Don’t become so serious that you forget to have fun.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

You have much load on your shoulders, and you need to go away from the humdrum of the city to a peaceful place to search for a new way of living. Something meaningful and profound. This is the time for your spiritual growth, and in your case, it will happen to you if you go away from the business of life. You need a break and that too solo. You need to step away from daily routine and think for yourself how to do justice with yourself by living such a low standard life. You have to work hard to raise the standards of your living in every area of your life. This is a humungous task, and it will take some time to get there where you should be.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

Has there been something you have walked away from? You have felt the need to go away from something which was of high value to you at one point in time. And the moment you decided to walk away, your load has decreased as if a huge burden has gone off from your shoulders. Your walking away was the right decision, and very soon, other opportunities will come where you can invest more time and effort. You will gain immensely from the upcoming opportunities. It isn’t late that these opportunities will arise in front of you and will offer you a better life. Walking away was necessary; otherwise, these opportunities would have gone by from you. Welcome the change when it comes in your life.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

Circumstances in your life have been burdensome for a lot of months. It is as if you were forced to live with these circumstances, which were not in your hands. You didn’t know how to come out it. But now, with the changed scenario, try to come out of that situation by being generous and take the help of others.
You have been working solo, but now this situation can be solved by taking people along with you. Your hard work will pay off once you start talking to the other people involved in this situation and talk it out. You have to speak. Talking is essential, and you must talk in a way that doesn’t threaten other people; otherwise, there is no point in talking, and the situation will be the same.
If you want a solution, talk lovingly and be patient. We all are human beings with emotions, and hence you should talk to each other with love and compassion. The moment you realize that with love and compassion, everything is possible, it will change the way you deal with the problem. Talk nicely and be kind. Your work will be done. Be patient as well as things need time to resolve.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

Your whole personality is about lack. Which means, you are always negative and pessimist behind the garb of being practical. You keep telling people that you are realistic, and you know everything, but in reality, you are a massive ball of negativity, and you are such a pessimist that you see negative in the most positive things as well. It is like it is your mission to find faults and spread negativity all around you.
You are highly educated, and you have enough of opportunities, and you have achieved a lot. Still, when it comes to open your mouth, only and only negative things come out from you. You spread your negativity all around you and people have told you that you sound extremely stubborn when it comes to hearing other people out. You force yourself on others and don’t listen to others at all.
You defend your narcissism by being rude. You are very rude. Whenever you feel like changing yourself, do that. It is highly recommended. You don’t realize, but you disappoint people, and you make them depressed by constantly spewing negativity. People run away from you, and it hurts your ego. You feel the whole world is against you. These are heights of pessimism. You are advised to shred this garb of negativity and be of some help to others by becoming positive.
You have had bad experiences because of which you became like this, but you have had good experiences as well, but you want to focus on the bad only. Change yourself and be of some help. You have to work on yourself. Start immediately without losing a moment because you cannot continue in the same way. Change yourself before your negativity consumes your whole life. Start the change right away.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

Your thoughts are haunting you and not letting you commit to a relationship, by overthinking and rejecting a meaningful proposal of love. You are weighing the pros and cons all the time whether you should accept the proposal or not. Listen, dear one – Love isn’t a business, and it isn’t your bread and butter. Your job/career has nothing to do with love.
What are you afraid of? Are you fearful of losing your freedom? If you have to lose your freedom, you will lose it anyway. If not in this relationship, then the next one. This relationship assures you of happiness, will help you come out of your shell. It will help you heal your past bad experiences. It will fill you with love and romance and will help you to come out of your sadness.
Take that bouquet or flower that has been offered to you and even the ring which focuses on commitment. Your world is in your hands right now, and your happiness is in that ring/flower/bouquet or even coffee! Don’t close the door, which has a lot to offer if opened for somebody else. You are overthinking. All will be fine, and you will be loved and adored. You deserve this, so go ahead!
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

Don’t let your thoughts still your joy. You are thinking way too much about everything and anything that happens in the world. You are extremely sensitive and vulnerable right now, and you are very much affected by the negative news. Stop watching TV channels and stop reading newspapers. Remove your attention from the worst to the hope that everything will become alright very soon. Instead of being negative, support your community with positive.
You are a great orator, and you are very well known in your community. Hence a lot of responsibility is on your shoulders. You should focus on the positive side of life and focus only and only on good things. In this way, you will become positive, optimistic, and hopeful. Life is not over, and there is a lot of scope.
Don’t wait for something to become positive. There is positivity all around if you choose to see it and therefore become a ball of positivity and touch all the lives that you have around you with hope and optimism. Choose to become optimistic. With the collective effort of humanity, this phase will be over as well. This is not the end of the world but a new beginning altogether.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

Are you a part of a vast community? You do have access to a lot of food that you want to serve the poor and the needy. You have no idea how noble this cause is. Keep remaining part of this organization and keep doing the good work. A lot of people are benefitting from you.
Also, you are into a troubled relationship right now that can be saved. To save your love life, you should go within and find answers to your issues. Since you both have to come together to mend the relationship, be patient, and talk to your partner without complaining and blaming. Don’t ever fall in the trap of blaming and complaining because it might ruin everything.
This relationship has a chance hence do everything to avoid a breakup. This relationship, if able to pass this test of time, will give you everything that you seek. This is your testing time. Come together to face it, do everything to be together. Be together.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

Don’t go into your past to work for your future. You are going into the past way too much to work for your future. You think that whatever happened in the past will happen to you again. Therefore you recall your past experiences repeatedly. Please stop doing so.
What you are doing is creating obstacles for yourself in the present and for the future. World is in your hands, and you are revisiting your past to shape your future. Because your past had terrible experiences, it doesn’t mean that in future also there will be the same consequence. It doesn’t happen like that. Things change, and good times are as much real as bad times.
Stop being so pessimist. Become hopeful and derive new ways to create your future. These are unique circumstances, and hence you have to wake up to this fact. Old has gone, and a new era is upon you. Make the most of it.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

Have you been to hell as far as your health is concerned? Have you defeated death, and has your health been of great concern to you and your family off late? Don’t be scared now as the worst is over. You are advised first, to stop being hopeless. There is a lot of hope. Secondly, believe in miracles. They happen all the time and thirdly, have a lot of fun with your people.
Be optimistic, and this optimism will help your cure. Be active in the next advice and exercise to regain your health. Remember it’s all in your mind and in your hands too. Become positive, dwell in positivity, and have a lot of fun with your people. If you focus on positivity, become active, and busy, nothing can stop you from being healthy.
Take proper diet and on time and seek professional help from the doctors and follow their instructions as everything they say is for your own good. Follow their advice and become so busy that the negativity doesn’t even touch you. Your health is undoubtedly in your hands. Start doing the needful. Slowly and steadily, your health will improve. But you have to work on your mindset and on your physical and emotional and also mental wellbeing. There is a lot of hope; don’t give up.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

You rely on too many people to do anything. You can’t seem to do anything without depending on others. You rely on other people way too much, and that’s why your work is always delayed. It always gets delayed. You have everything you need, but you don’t have confidence in yourself.
Others also try to help you, but their own priorities come in the way of your work. This is but obvious that their preferences will be different from yours because they will do their own thing first before touching yours. You have to learn that if you do your job according to you, your work will finish on time and in a better way than if the others were involved.
Look at your work ethics closely. You are way too dependent on others for your work. Cut down this dependency little by little and become self-dependent. You will become so confident that you will not involve anyone to do your job. Try it out. You might be amazed at your own capabilities of doing your work your way.
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