Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, took a stand on DMRC’s( Delhi Metro Railway Corporation) review on Delhi metro fares that it’s going against people, in which the other political parties-Swaraj India, Bharatiya Mazoodoor Sangh, the labor union of Swayam Sevak Sangh also supported him on this issue. Observing the continuous metro fare reviews-
The last hike in metro fares was in May, recommended by the fare fixation committee. Kejriwal said the upcoming rise in Delhi metro fare again should be paused for a while, till its accounts get audited because in the past there were fake losses shown by private power distribution companies. He did not want to make this issue arise again as the DMRC says they have ‘ huge liabilities on loans’, high operating fee, increased expenses which is the reason it proposed for a hike.

By coming up with efficient thoughts and strategies, Delhi CM advised DMRC not to flaw but instead work on the efficiency by maintaining the balance between operating expenses and interest of the metro commuters. He referred to Hong Kong metro’s financial model to use efficiently and transparently for improving the finances, reducing the fare of commuters, balanced income. Deputy CM, Manish Sisodia supporting DTC( Delhi transport corporation) saying, though there are losses, the main spirit should be to serve people to provide reliable and safe transport system but not to earn profits by increasing the fares frequently.
For now, Kejriwal stopped Delhi metro not to increase the fare without its consent as the hike was supposed to be in working from October 10th 2017.
The view on this issue from Arvind Kejriwal and his supporters seem as a boost to balance the things in his government.
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