A total of 446 individual have been tested positive to Coronavirus in India, according to the latest update by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The death toll due to the coronavirus pandemic rose to nine as on March 24.
The Janta Curfew had made sure people stayed put in their homes from 7 AM to 9 PM, on March 22 making the people realise about the seriousness of the virus. At 5 PM of the same day, all citizens were asked to stand in their doorways, balconies or windows, and clap their hands or ring bells in appreciation for the professionals delivering these essential services.
The Present Situation
In our country, every age group continuously need to be reminded not to go out of their home during such situations. Both the older and younger generation seems to disregard the warnings and is busy indulging in a short vacation during this time. Even the working professionals cannot resist but go to work for a few hours because working from home is not doing them any good.
When given the proper warnings to follow protocols- people often tend to behave rebel to show that they are cool. The Janata Curfew seemed to be successful only for a while, and a minute past 9 PM, people were out on the streets going for their night walks, the youngsters make use of the empty roads going out for rides, enjoying the ‘Freedom’.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on March 23 announced that any gathering – religious, family, social, political or cultural – of over 50 people would not be allowed in the national capital till March 31 given the coronavirus outbreak.
Operations of all weekly markets in the city have been suspended and shopping malls directed to make available sanitisers at entrances as well as stores.

The Chief Minister also indicated that the ban on gatherings would also cover protests at Shaheen Bagh and outside Jamia Millia Islamia. These places have been witnessing sit-in protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act, National Register of Citizens and National Population Register for over 90 days.
The states will invoke Sections 188 and 269 of the Indian Penal Code, which are both bailable.
Around 548 districts with only essential services allowed to operate along with almost 30 states and Union Territories completely lockdown, India Central government and state governments are leaving no stone unturned. Maharashtra has reported the maximum number of COVID-19 cases in the country at 101 and 67, respectively.
Why are people still not taking this seriously? Is it because they don’t show any symptoms of the virus? The partyers still do not accept the WHOs plea for social distancing and self-isolation.
Spring break and having a good time at the beach is what the young people are more concerned about. Feeling they are immune or are not as perceptible as people over 60 are to the disease, the young people go about with their lives.
Several celebrities and social media influencers have tried to use their voice to reach the ignorant individuals about the seriousness of a life-threating disease; however, it seems to be of no use.
Instagram stories are showing people still out and about, drinking, indulging in good time. What else will it take for the many across various continents to take the head of the warnings and restrictions?
What does flattening the curve mean and can we do it?
Preventing a sharp peak of infections, known as flattening the epidemic curve, keeps healthcare services from being overwhelmed.
The image above shows two curves – two different versions of what might happen in many countries, depending on the next steps.
The tall, skinny curve is bad – it means that a lot of people will get sick at once, in a short period because of lack of preventive measures taken to contain the virus.
Most people won’t get sick enough to be hospitalised. However, those who do could overburden the number of beds and care teams available in the hospitals nationwide. If individuals and communities take steps to slow the spread of the virus, the number of cases of Coronavirus will stretch out across for a more extended period. As the curve shows, the number of cases at any given time doesn’t cross the dotted line of the capacity of our nation’s health care system to help everyone who’s very sick.
Health and safety is the utmost agenda right now, so if that means being a couch potato for some time or being aware of which people you have been in contact with. Taking note of one’s well-being, let’s be responsible citizens, that is the least we owe to our neighbours.