
All you need to know about the White House Correspondents Dinner

As socially aware citizens of the world, most of us already know about the ‘Nerd Prom’ or in better words the ‘White House Correspondents Dinner’ which recently took place. Even if you didn’t know, rest assured that at few of your socially aware friends on Facebook would have shared videos and snippets of it (myself included). Ignoring the WHCD is impossible. Plus, you ought to know about how amazing President Obama is at his job and brood over how much we all are going to miss him.

So, here are few things you should know about the dinner (as socially aware citizens of the world, of course):

  1. Priyanka Chopra

Did we mention that PC attended the Dinner? We’re going to let this picture do all the talking. Is there anything this lady can’t do?WHCD_01

  1. Kendall Jenner

No, this point isn’t out of place. Kendall Jenner was present at the Dinner and POTUS was well-aware of it. He too, like all of us, wasn’t exactly sure of why she was there and did not hesitate to raise that question either. Honesty is always appreciated.WHCD_02

  1. Pet appearance

This is probably a first for the WHCD. Carrie Fisher’s date for the dinner was her dog, Gary. Mind you, Gary is a pretty big deal with thousands of followers on Twitter and Instagram. The cute pooch is quite the comedian and we think he deserved to be there.WHCD_03

  1. Donald Trump

Unfortunately, Mr. Trump was not present at the event. Obama expressed his genuine surprise at the same, given the immense media coverage and the presence of so many cameras and press. The President couldn’t hold back from poking fun at him although Trump’s sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, were present at the dinner.WHCD_04

  1. Larry Wilmore

Thanks to the Nightly Show host, this year’s dinner might have been the most legendary one. Wilmore’s roast was not one to miss. Check the link below it might just make your day. If that isn’t enough motivation, here’s a minor detail –Don Lemon just had to give Wilmore the finger. There was just so much to his speech, it is impossible to highlight all of it. Here’s a teaser to his roast of Trump – “Donald Trump is happening to America because I watch movies – and every time there’s a black president something always comes to destroy the earth.”


  1. Justin Trudeau

This isn’t much of surprise, we all know of the budding friendship between the two. But Obama’s remark at Trudeau and a laugh at himself were worth the watch.WHCD_06

  1. Mic -Drop

President Obama ended his address with dropping the mic – in the literal sense of it and also pretty dramatic. Obama Out.WHCD_07

  1. Who will it be next year?

To everyone’s disappointment, Obama did acknowledge his last dinner as the President and subtly dropped a hint as to who it will be next year – “It’s anyone’s guess who she will be”. Also, Obama might have questioned Clinton’s appeal to the younger generation, likening her to an old relative signing up for Facebook. Rest assured that Clinton herself is also on the joke as she later tweeted to the POTUS – “Nice job last night, Aunt Hillary approves.”

These are just some of the highlights from the dinner – the dinner itself is the highlight of the year. We can now officially start weeping over the fact that this was President Obama’s last White House Correspondent’s Dinner and we are definitely going to miss him.

Parita Patel

Foodie, curious and friendly. Aspiring media student who is never limited by other people's limited imagination. I believe myself to be a full-time enthusiast & part time free-spirit. Also, I try to write poems sometimes with a questionable rate of success.

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