Aid reaches Syria from the Red Cross

The situation in Syria seems to be worsening every single day with civilian people being most affected in the conflict between rival groups. Thankfully, the International Committee of the Red Cross has said that food and other supplies have been given to more than sixty thousand people in towns that were affected. The towns are Madaya, Zabadani, Foah, and Kefraya.
These towns have received aid for the first time in six months, so one can only imagine the conditions in which these people were living for half a year.
There are five main forces that are waging a war. These are Syrian/Iraqi Kurdish forces, the Syrian government, the Iraqi government, Syrian rebel forces, and the Islamic State group (ISIS).
The United Nations has estimated that more than thirteen million people need help from organisations like the UN and the Red Cross. Five million of these are located in areas where it is difficult to assist them.
What is appalling is that this conflict is going on since quite some time and there seems to be no clear direction in where all this is heading towards. Russia and the United States of America are supporting different sides in this conflict and this adds to more confusion as to which is the right and wrong force in this war.
Innocent people every single day are being injured and murdered for no fault of theirs due to rebel groups and they have been pulled into a war in which they actually do not want to be a part of.
Many Islamic groups worldwide are in agreement that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria does not represent Islam at all and one of the greatest mistakes they are making is misrepresenting the Quran and taking things out of context from their holy book.
The world needs to come together and solve this crisis once and for all and make sure that the people affected there stop being part of the civil war that is going on in Syria and Iraq.