10 Things Every Harry Potter Fan can relate to

- Imagining yourself at Hogwarts
Lying on the bed, struggling to fall asleep and your mind runs to that one place where you find solace – Hogwarts. You have your nemesis. Maybe in this world you are the ‘Chosen One’ or maybe you are the Dark Lord. Hey, no judgement from me. You have in fact imagined which Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans will be your favourite.
- Crying over the death of characters
When you sat down to read Harry Potter’s last part you had a box of tissues at your disposal. By the time you finished, you had created your own swimming pool. I bet you even cried when Cedric died.
- Challenging your friends with Potter quizzes
No, your duels don’t have spells being shot at each other but Harry Potter trivia questions where the winner takes the prestigious title of being Mr. /Miss Harry-Potter-Know-It-All. It may sound lame but trust me the inner circles of Harry Potter fans take it very seriously.
- Books are better than movies
It is a universally acclaimed fact that books are better than the movies based on them and we are no different. So don’t even try convincing us and by any chance if you do, then you brought that upon yourself.
- Debating about your favourite characters
I know how exasperating it is to explain to that moron why Sirius is your favourite character. To top it all the reason he/she gives is to crown Dumbledore as his favourite character is just RIDIKULUS!
- Creating Fan Fiction
No, no, no they can’t kill him! There are so many events in the book that you wish were different. They can be different if you write them because let’s admit it you are not fine with Fred, Remus, Sirius dying or are you?
- Your pet’s name is derived from the books
You may not have an owl named Hedwig but you have a parrot named the same. If you ever get a cat you are going to name it Crookshanks and if you get enough pets you can have your own Dumbledore Army.
- Getting a ‘HP’ tattoo
You may be not pro tattoo but you must have at least once thought about getting the Deathly Hallows inked on yourself. Some may have gotten it. Even the most sacred of us will not regret getting anything, which will keep the spirit of Harry Potter alive, inked.
- Spending more time at Pottermore than in Real World
Your mom has to drag you out of your room and force you to interact with ‘real’ people! According to you Pottermore is your ‘real’ world. Getting sorted into houses, choosing your own wand, making potions, duelling. It is just like the world you would be if you weren’t stuck with the Muggles.
- Waiting for you Hogwarts letter
Are You still waiting for your Hogwarts letter? Me too! Don’t be bummed, owls can be a bit slow at times. In my case, 9 years slow. Maybe they misplaced your letter or maybe they forgot to register you. Sit tight, you never know when it will come.