Teacher’s day, these two words are enough to drag me into a nostalgic lane. A lane which I wish I could take myself back to. The days when we were naughty enough to mock our teachers to the limit where they got irritated and threw us out of their class. Then when the class got over, and they saw us standing outside, with our heads bowed, they made us understand that what we did was wrong. This is what a teacher can do, and no one else can. Back then, we never realised that these teachings were essential. However, now when I look back, whatever I am right now is because of those punishments and those polite words. Those teachings were not just restricted to textbooks, but those were the lessons of life.
Let me take you back to those days and how we celebrated teacher’s day. It was much less fancy than how it is right now. Also, our teachers themselves monitored how we put up the entire show. However, those celebrations had their own colour. From decorating the whole class with balloons and ribbons to climbing on top of the table to put flower petals on the fan and waiting for the teacher to switch it on. Finally, a burst of applause to which we welcome our teachers to the class. All these things would now sound clichéd, but back then, it all made sense.
Simplicity always touches hearts and brings smiles. Throughout the year we make fun of our teachers, imitate then, mock them. Nevertheless, when the teacher’s day arrives, we are all little hearts for the teachers. That is the beauty of school life. Singing horrible songs, dancing to slow and “decent” songs, doing it all with much enthusiasm made our teacher’s day one of the most anticipated days of the year.
Let us not get into the whole trap of the common rounds that everyone teaches you something, and everyone is a teacher. Yes, everyone teaches you something or the other but what a ‘Teacher’ can give you, stands out.
So on this day, remember your teacher, remember the days when you got slapped by them for doing some mischief, being appreciated by them for completing your homework on time. Remember the time when you were hurt, and the teacher acted just like your father or mother and took care of you as if you were their own child. If all this brings tears or smiles on your face then pick up your phone and text your teacher, thank them for what they have made you. Like I thanked them for what they have made out of a child who couldn’t even hold the pencil and now has the power to write this. Happy Teacher’s Day!