
Article 370- Friend Or Foe?

As a developing nation, India has taken a step to consummate its democracy and developmental processes by abrogating article 370 and article 35 A.

Article 370 acknowledges the special status of the state of Jammu and Kashmir autonomy and its ability to plan laws for the state’s permanent residents. In the year 1954 Presidential order, among other things, the Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution were made applicable to Kashmir with exceptions. Article 35A of the Indian Constitution was an article that empowered the Jammu and Kashmir state’s legislature to define “permanent residents” of the state and provide special rights and privileges to those permanent residents.

Did these articles truly privileged Jammu and Kashmir?

It was a paradox to mention that Jammu and Kashmir was a part of India. The entire world had doubt and confusion regarding forbidding the people within and beyond its boundaries to share economic and social platform by compelling them to follow specific legal rules and restrictions.

The article 370 strengthened the difference between Jammu and Kashmir and India for the last 70 years by treating the citizens on both the sides distinctively. The damage and destruction it had done to the people, it’s resources, and to the nation itself is incorrigible. Due to (articles) 370 and 35A, corruption grew and reached its zenith. These articles slowed the development of the state. This acted as the root of terrorism and anti-women, anti-Dalit and anti-development.

Poverty has grown in Jammu and Kashmir because of Article 370. All funds that the central government sent to the Valley got lost in corruption as no anti-corruption laws could be practised there.

These articles not only strengthened its peripheral boundary but also strengthened inter-regional disparity among its people. This created the feeling of discrimination and inequality among them based on religion.

Do Muslims solely live in J&K?

Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains; all live in the Valley, and whether the article is good or bad, it applies to all. If this article didn’t let the people of Jammu and Kashmir fetch the feeling of unity among themselves, then how could bring a sense of patriotism, nationalism and globalism?

Not only this but Right to Education couldn’t be enforced in Jammu and Kashmir because of Article 370. Children from across the country could avail the Right to Education, but children of Jammu and Kashmir were bereft of it.

“No education, No awareness, No growth, No development “.

Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir gave origin to extremism and terrorism in the country. Taking account of the special provisions, several corrupt people escaped investigations. Many corruption cases were not being investigated as people there had no right to information.

The Prevention of Corruption Act, Prohibition of Child Marriage Act and law to check manual scavenging were not applicable there. Article 370 became a platform to shield terrorists and their patrons.

The abrogation has empowered feminism, as women no longer are deprived of their property rights. In J&K if women get married to a non-resident, they were deprived of this right before abrogation. Article 35A, which arose from Article 370, prohibited them, to be property owners if they marry an outsider. The revocation of Article 370 not only make women exercise their rights in the state but also help make it more repellent to the jihadist fires and outrages.

Thus, article 370 was never introduced with the intention of the benefaction of the country. Its abrogation will help to restore the damage, accelerate the developmental processes, and percolate democracy.

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