Tarot Reading 19th October 2020 – 25th October 2020

Aries (21 March –19 April)

You have gone through much mental stress and internal callings which now lead you towards a happy outcome. Most of you have been through an inner turmoil and which has given you sleepless nights. Maybe your work is not going so well, or your expenses are ever-increasing.
Whatever it is, you might have an occasion to celebrate in your family or outside your family. Some of you might seek advice from your elders on an important matter.
In this week, you are advised to take it slow and don’t rush do things that is not in your hands. You might feel that time is running fast, and you are going slower in life, but it is not the case. You have your own pace, and you have time. There is ample time to finish that work.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Few of you might get engage or fall in a relationship that might not last as long as you wish, but you might find someone this week. Also few of you might get more job offers which might be more lucrative than your current job. You might engage in a dilemma whether you should be loyal to the company or take another job. Take that job if you want more money or remain in this job if your conscious doesn’t want to part with your bosses right now.
Do what your inner voice says. Don’t rush in taking this decision and take your time to ponder on the option of leaving the job or not. Overall this week will go smoothly with some pondering to do and what your next step should be in terms of your career.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

Few of you might face job loss in this week, and this might make you anxious about your future, career and finances – all at the same time. But all is not over yet. It is essential to be positive and hopeful about your future. You should seek advice from your elders and friends as to how can you earn now. Very few of you will have a complete base set for your own new enterprise, and this can give a boost to your confidence and those who don’t have this setup, are advised to continue the search of a new job and be patient.
With time, patience, keeping yourself busy and occupied, you can face these challenging times with flying colours. Some of you can face legal challenges which can be sorted out if you are ready to negotiate with the other party. Remember to be gentle and calm and display of greater understanding of the issue without raising your voice or becoming aggressive. This issue can be sorted out by presence of mind.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

This week is ideal to pay off your debts, and some of you will begin a new chapter in your life. Those who are getting married will find your life coming to blossom, and you will find a new excitement in life which was never there, and that’s how life changes after marriage.
Some of you might get promotions – some for a more prominent role and some to a mediocre role. Whatever your promotion is, you will still be in a better place. Don’t wait for the doctor to call you for an appointment, because that won’t happen; you have to go to the doctor for an appointment. This is because you are delaying for your check-up and not going to the doctor due to your laziness or fear. There is nothing to fear about – go to the doctor and get your check-up done. Don’t delay.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

You have to be patient in the coming week for things to get done because times are changing, and there could be some delay. It is best to go for some relaxation activity this week as you have to wait for a certain thing to happen and you have already worked very hard.
Also, it is time to spend more quality time with your pet as well because you haven’t done that in a while, circumstances could be that you have to stay at home for long. With some of you, work could pause for a few days, and you are expected to relax. Whatever your circumstances are, don’t fear of things but if you have time to relax – do so. This time won’t come again, and you really can’t help it.
Best is to use this time productively rather than being stressed a lot. Stress won’t help you; it will worsen your situation. So, accept the situation and do your best to pass the time.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

Though you are having a good time, you still have a lot on your shoulders. Try to minimise your work by sharing it with others or saying no to extra work. You are partial with someone, and therefore you are blaming someone else who is innocent and has no clue of any of her/his wrongdoing.
Some of you are being unnecessarily strict with your children and which is why they are not doing their best. Mellow down and let the children play and be themselves also. This is their time to have fun and hence allow them to play as well. So much of strictness reduces children’s efficiency, and when you can’t bear too much stress, how are your children going to handle stress at this young age?
Loosen a bit and be friends with children rather than strict parents. Your children will love you if you start becoming their confidants.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

Your financial position is in doldrums, and you need to cut down on your expenses. If you want to complete your project at work, don’t delegate your work on others but do it yourself whatever you can do on your own. Only delegate when you are overburdened. This is because you are more experienced than others at present; hence your experience will help you in the current situation and the current project as well.
Some of you are advised to take care of your elders because someone might have some health issues which need to be taken care off at the earliest. If your children have got less marks in test or exam, don’t shout on them or be aggressive with them.
You must realise that they are human beings and not machinery. They can do as much as they can. They might be perfect in other thing or subjects but to expect them to do best all the time and in everything is too much to demand. Lessen their load by lessening your expectations. Don’t compare them with others.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

You are too much involved in the share market, and you have invested a lot, but because of the uncertainty of it, you have incurred a significant loss than profit. This has resulted in immense mental chaos and terrible days. What you have now is some of your savings, and on top of that, you have many expenses of studies of your children. If you continue with your job, you can make up with your loss to much extent in a few years hence don’t lose hope.
Some of you got sick because of your aggressiveness, and this has caused you health issues. Your temper and anger needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. Become mellow and free of anger. Also, some of you are not dealing with your employees as well as it was expected. You don’t get well with a few of your employees, and it is causing anxiety in your team.
Try to avoid fault finding all the time because that is what you are doing with this employee and try to see the positive side of her/him. This will settle the issue once and forever. Your efforts are needed.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

If you find yourself in depression, you can change things by not focusing on what is gone but concentrate on the bright future that is waiting for you to unfold. If you are going to meet someone special, go with less expectation and try to understand her/him rather than judging them. Don’t judge the book by its cover is the message.
If you are trying to learn something, focus on it entirely and give it priority over other things. In this way you will be able to finish your course efficiently. You are also advised to take medicine on time and getting organised in your daily routine. If you had terrible times in the recent past, the sun might shine brightly upon you soon. With determination, you can change your exam results, and for that you have to study very hard and consistently – where there’s a will, there’s a way!
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

If you have a surplus, you are advised to do some charity as this will help you feel better. You have been considering to help someone, then do it now. Your strength is being tested in these times, and you must not give up to your circumstances. These are challenging times, and you are advised to take this timeless seriously because situations will not be in your favour; even the people who are close to you, will not help you.
If this is the case, then hang in there till this time passes by. Always think positive and remember that – This too shall pass. Some of you might see success in the coming week, and you might also get proposals, but if you are not in the mood to get married, you might turn down these proposals.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

Don’t add to your burden by taking more load. Always keep a check on how much work you take on your shoulders because you are a workaholic. Someone is not having the right intentions about your life, and for this, you are advised to keep an eye on people who live close to you.
For some of you, you will have to wait for the fruits of your hard work for some more time. It is advisable to invest in the long term. You have many responsibilities on your shoulders, and therefore you are advised to deliver them one by one and not try to do everything at once.
You can’t do everything together because after all you have limitations and thinking about it too much will deteriorate your health. Don’t stress too much and do bit by bit every day so that you finish your work on time and don’t take stress at all. Lessen your load at a slow pace and don’t rush.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

You are torturing yourself with some guilt of something you did years ago, and now it seems like your deed is haunting you. You must put your guilt to rest and let it go. Completely. It might take some time but forgive yourself as soon as possible.
If you are considering to find love, then you won’t find it in your surrounding, but it will be an outsider for you. So open your mind and heart for someone who is completely new and different than your expectations. She/he will be your perfect partner who can potentially become your life long companion.
This week love is ruling your roost and hence share as much love in your family as you can. You will be in a good mood and will find it easy to confess your love to your family members – don’t lose this opportunity.
Disclaimer: These are general readings and everything may or may not resonate with each one of you, so take whatever you resonate with and leave the rest.