Tarot Reading 17th August 2020 – 23rd August 2020

Aries (21 March –19 April)

You are responsible for someone younger than you, and you have to deal with others also with whom you are not comfortable at all. There is a lot hidden between you and other groups of people as you all are not in great terms with each other.
You are advised to continue living aloof from this section of people for some more time, as these people are not favorable. These people will not help you in anything but will only place obstacles in your life. You are better off without them. But be firm and stand tall, and there is nothing to be worried about. Life will take you somewhere far where you will not require these people at all. But until then, live happily and without thinking about those people. You are far better off without them.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

You carry your heart on your sleeves all the time and are looking forward to meeting your dream girl/boy as soon as possible. In this quest to find your right match, you have to go through a lot. You have to talk to a lot of potential partners and see whether it clicks between you two. You have to invest a lot of you in finding out whether you two are made for each other or not; hence you have a lot of potential partners, but you are confused.
In this case, you are advised not to rush into something but give everything some times. Give it some time and see how it works out with everyone. Although you are not committed to anyone as yet but you are willing to find one of your choice, and for that, just give it some time.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

You are surrounded by people who love you and admire you – don’t let these people go anywhere. Stick with your people is the message for you this coming week. You will have ample support, and these relationships will last forever. These relationships will help you in the future and will provide you significant emotional and mental support. Don’t take these relationships for granted.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

Your relationship with a particular loved one is going through a rough patch, and you are already heart-broken. Although this relationship didn’t work out now, but you will have ample reasons to celebrate in another relationship just after a few months. So don’t give up. Be hopeful, and don’t be discouraged and disappointed. Keep your heart open, and be optimistic about your love life. Think of a bright future and have faith that all is not over yet.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

An improbable union is about to take place in your life. Someone you know is going to marry some other person you know very well, and both of them will immediately get along. This match, however quite odd, will be a perfect match, and it will be a happy union. There is a potential of a long term relationship and perhaps marriage as well. You might feel left alone, but don’t feel that way, as eventually you will adjust to this new environment and will become an integral part of their lives. Don’t drift away, but try to fit in the new scenario.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

Right now, you are struggling in your life regarding your settlement. You think you are not stable and settled enough to marry, but your family members are forcing you to marry anyone of your choice. You have been given liberty to choose your partner, but you don’t feel settled enough to marry. But eventually, you will marry someone you know very well despite your insecurities. This is because it is the right time for your marriage. Think positive and accept whatever life gifts you, in this case, ‘a life partner.’
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

You have been waiting long to get into a meaningful relationship, but this wait seems like it is testing your patience. You are heading for a breakthrough, and one idea might change your life. If you feel like doing something, then do it without hesitation because this might just change your life good as far as being in a relationship is concerned.
Don’t lose any opportunity with a close mind. Keep your heart and mind open and look for that right partner without any past baggage. Your past baggage might interfere in your future; that’s why it is advised that you keep your past behind and move ahead with a fresh mindset. It will help you immensely in moving forward, not just in your love life but also in general.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

You have seen the worst, and now you are trying to gather yourself and adjust yourself to new surroundings. You are taking baby steps to move ahead in life, and you are timid and vulnerable also. Bring back your confidence and try to live your life according to you. Don’t worry about anything and just be yourself. Love yourself first because it is required the most from you. Live your passion and be excited for the new adventures. Your life is taking you to new experiences, and these adventures are waiting for you. Take a plunge and live your life to the fullest.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

Focus upon the fact that God loves you and always has the highest of intentions for you. A positive outlook makes it easier to recover from life’s little difficulties so that you can move upward. Caution will help you avoid the loss of valuables, including non-material resources (such as time or peace of mind). Be aware of the results of your actions and what others might be doing behind your back. Embrace the time of deep spiritual growth. You may feel called to act as a mentor, find a new teacher, or spend time with others who are also on a sacred path.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

You have many people interfering in your life, and that’s why you are too confused, and things are entangled in your mind. This is the right time to take charge and control of your decision making. Do what you feel is right rather than taking other’s opinions. Don’t ask for other’s views but do things according to what you want to do. Because everyone will have different opinions over the same thing, and everyone will sound right also.
This is the time to take your own decision. Whatever you feel is right for you, do that without asking others, or else you will not be able to make your own decisions ever. Learn to be independent in decision making.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

You are letting your mind unnecessarily worry and stress about a lot of things, and therefore you are not able to live a happy life. You are always thinking negatively, and seldom you let positive thoughts to enter your mind. You worry unnecessarily about your financial situation, which is very good, but you are always complaining that you don’t have enough. This attitude is not letting you live a comfortable life, and hence you are suffering.
You are also overthinking about others targeting you while those people are busy in their own lives. You are always thinking of others harming you, but this is not the case. Your problems are all mind created and not true at all. Hence don’t let your mind control you like this, and you should quickly change your thought process before this negativity harms you even more. Be careful of this negativity.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

You are supposed to change your perspective about certain things in your life that you are most concerned about. Try to think positively, and this will help you in understanding things differently. This will make you wise and will decrease your stress as well. Otherwise, you are a respectable and honorable person. People admire you. You inspire people, and hence you should not take this situation as a problem but an opportunity to gain wisdom.