Chatur Ideas backed 3D printing company Instaprintz raises undisclosed amount of funding

The history of printing dates back to 3500 BCE. The documents written in clay were certified using cylinder seals in the persian and mesopotamian civilisation. Wood block printing was originated in China in 200CE. Humanity has seen printing by using stencils, seals and blocks made out of stone and bronze.
As technology advanced the printing methods evolved from movable types to laser printing in the present day. But the recent years have seen a rise in 3D printing. Its an additive manufacturing process wherein physical 3D object is made from digital design. Its benefits are rapid prototyping, easily accessible, better quality, good design, cost-effectiveness, creative designs.
Instaprintz is a new-age startup that let’s you print your ideas to life. It has recently recived an undisclosed amount of funding through Chatur Ideas platform. It is a startup solving diverse problems ranging from medical to education, from industries to interior design, from miniatures to anything the user can imagine. The startup that started out as an idea has grown in leaps and bounds.
Chatur Ideas with its panel of mentors and investors has been helping startups bloom and achieve their goals. Its Director and Founder Devesh Chawla says that, “InstaPrintz is an amazing startup which will bring revolution in the way 3D printing is imagined and that’s the sole reason I agreed to work with Insta Printz and pickup equity in it because this will be a market disruptor.” leave