It is important to know that there are those people who help others and then there are people who go out of their way to help others, people of Suvan Foundation surely fall in the latter category. Spreading a word about autism to all the corners of the world, thus changing the perceptions and ways about the beautiful souls who are nothing but just differently abled ones.
Suvan Foundation “The destroyer of darkness“ is an NGO whose primary mission is to promote the well-being of people on the autism spectrum by creating awareness and understanding of autism in the society and extend wide support to the person with autism and their family by conducting various seminars, workshops, and campaigns.

Recently Suvan Foundation organized an Autism Awareness campaign on 17th September, which was supported and volunteered by the members of the SOCH community of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology. The event was conducted in association with TCS in the RGIT premises with the objective to create a platform in order to share the experiences of the parents of autistic kids as well as for the doctors who helped in proving guidance to parents.

The seminar at RGIT was attended by various people with Mr.Puneet Pandey and Ms. Christine(Founde

The therapists presented various methods to model autistic behavior which could be in cultivated in day to day life with the help of which the child could become independent in the long-run. After which, it was the turn of the parents who put forth their experiences of being a parent to an autistic child. The experiences, right from getting to know the child’s condition, the early diagnosis and helping them manage their routine activities and teaching them to deal with the society seemed to be truly awe-inspiring. A Question & Answer session was then been conducted which helped the parents learn the solution to their queries by interacting with the doctors.

Further followed with a presentation by members of The SOCH, which featured the nature of their student society and various activities conducted by them on and off campus thus seeking for support towards the same. Mr.Swapnil Pilkhane spoke of the contribution by the social wing of TCS in the field of Women Empowerment and Rural Development. He promised his cooperation towards both social ventures, the SOCH’s and Suvan Foundation’s Autism Awareness, with a view to encourage social awareness amongst society.
We support and extend our best wishes towards Suvan Foundation for all the future endeavors. If you too want to participate and contribute towards the noble cause of Suvan Foundation, here are the contact details
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuvanFoundation
Contact Number: +91 8976505014
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