
6 Reasons Weekends Are Important While Working From Home

Due to coronavirus, almost every entity has decided to give its employees the option to work from home. You might think that getting work from home will be the perfect opportunity for relaxation. However, unfortunately, that’s not the case. During work from home, people long for those weekends. The weekends become a vital part of the employees’ life because of the following reasons-

1. No More Excuses

6 Reasons Weekends Are Important While Working From Home
Source: Pixabay

Work from home during lockdown means you will have no excuse to leave work early, in order to go to, say, a doctor’s appointment. You will have to do your work until your assigned working hour. Nope, no going home early for you, fellas!

2. Increased Workload

6 Reasons Weekends Are Important While Working From Home
Source: Pixabay

During work from home, we can assure you that you will get more work than you probably would have gotten if you went to the office. The workload just keeps on piling and piling until you finally break under all of the stress.

3. Sluggish work-life

6 Reasons Weekends Are Important While Working From Home
Source: Pixabay

Due to the increasing amount of work you get every day, your job, which you probably loved doing, will become too monotonous and in turn will force you to become lethargic.

4. Fewer Breaks

6 Reasons weekends are important while working from home
Source: Pixabay

You probably get a few breaks when you work at your office. However, when you are working from home, both the time and the frequency of breaks are reduced to almost nil. Sometimes you may even have to work for long hours at a stretch. This also affects the concentration, and a few tend to lose focus as they are drown in work.

5. Disordered lifestyle

6 Reasons Weekends Are Important While Working From Home
Source: Pixabay

While working from home, the deliverables become too much to handle, and there are certain meetings that you wish you can avoid but, in reality, you can’t since it’s WFH (Work From Home). Also, working from home disturbs your sleep pattern and eating habits. Plus, you don’t exactly have time to focus on your hobbies, even if it is for a little time.

6. Work and work

6 Reasons Weekends Are Important While Working From Home
Source: ISTOCK

While working from an office, you at least had the travel time. However, since the physical act of travelling from one place to another is missing, you all often tend to continue in the same mindset even after “working hours” are long over. For example, if you were in office, you would have no other choice but to leave at a certain time. Otherwise, you would miss your cab. However, now since there is no such deadline, work tends to occupy centre stage.

As a result of these reasons, weekends become an essential part of work from home lifestyle. Weekends allow you actually to relax and also spend time with your family. If you are living alone, you can also try to get back on to your hobbies and to do the things that you love or the things which make you happy. From the outside, work from home might sound very much appealing, but in reality, it is an absolute nightmare, making you always crave for the weekends.

Oindri Kundu

I’m an avid reader, painter and writer. Basically I’m the girl with a love for books and an artist with hidden talents. I hope to make a good change in the world through the power of my pen ‘cause as you know ‘A pen is mightier than the sword.’

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