Several countries of the world are under complete lockdown due to coronavirus, and most countries are practicing social distancing. Whereas this seems to be the best way to check community transmission of coronavirus, medical staffs, police, armed forces, Government officials, sweepers and cleaners are all working relentlessly to aid the victims of the pandemic, maintaining cleanliness, and ensuring that quarantine rules are followed.
Nonetheless, in the case of commoners, all they are being asked is to stay at home and help save humankind. There are multiple other ways in which they can add up to the contributions to help the society in the crisis situation.
Donate Money to Relief Funds

Donating money, as per one’s capacity, to Government-established relief funds or non-profit organizations is one of the most effective ways of extending a helping hand. The most vulnerable categories consisting of the elderly, the homeless, or children in need, are in need of immediate attention.
A donation to these charitable trusts to help support these people by arranging food, giving them access to healthcare, ensuring hygiene and providing education to the children, is of utmost significance at this juncture.
Support Small Businesses

One of the most affected section of the society due to lockdown are the daily wage-earners, small business owners, and street vendors. As consumers, it is our duty to help them stay afloat and overcome the crisis victoriously. Buying goods from street vendors, small tokens or items from small shops, local grocery stores or pharmacies, can help them enough to get through this phase and maintain their livelihood. It is advised to avoid street food but buying some from the local street food vendors would help them feed their families. Buy a takeout or gift card from the local restaurants to keep their businesses running.
Charity Begins at Home

The best way to practice this is by giving paid leaves to household helps. As the household helps also have to follow quarantine rules, it would be unfair to deprive them of their salaries during the time of crisis. We can easily extend a helping hand by providing them with month-long ration and some advance stipend so that they can run their families without much struggle.
Extra supplies of food, masks, sanitizers, handwash and others can be distributed in the vicinity. A significant help would be not hoarding up essential items, thereby providing a chance for the less fortunate to obtain them.
Extend Mental Support

Social distancing and quarantine bring with themselves an array of mental health issues. With people being cut off from their communities, friends, co-workers, and social life, several problems like depression, anxiety, loneliness, can set in. It is important, therefore, to talk to your family members and spend some quality time, so they don’t feel left out.
Connect with friends via video calls and discuss about their mental wellbeing. Check-in on neighbours and help then if they are in a difficult spot, without obviously breaking social distancing norms.
By following these simple steps, even a commoner can efficiently perform his role towards society in combating the coronavirus crisis.
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