
Bizarre Things For Which People Have Filed Cases!

The best part of having an organised judicial system is that there is always a way for citizens to achieve justice when they are wronged. Sadly, there are people in this world who go lengths to win their stupid case.

Now, don’t scratch your head much thinking who could these people be and read the following hilarious thing!

#1: A bribe of 50 paise! Seriously??

Bizzare Cases

In 2009, Balgovind Prasad, a 75-year-old doctor, was sentenced to three months jail for taking a 50 paisa bribe (worth about Rs. 25 today) 24 years earlier. Prasad had taken the money from a sweeper in exchange for issuing a fake medical certificate. Due to a twisted series of events, the Patna-based Prasad’s charges were formed, reversed and then renewed, leading to the ridiculous delay.

#2: Mental stress due to a movie?

Bizarre Cases

Lovenish Kumar Bhardwaj filed a legal case against a multiplex for showing the Ranbir Kapoor Movie Rockstar, asking for Rs 50,000 as compensation from the consumer forum. Later, the court did not approve his demand for this weird act.

#3: Because killer whales belong to the sea!

Bizarre Cases

In 1999, a man named Daniel Dukes got killed by a whale at Sea World. To achieve his lifelong dream of swimming with a whale, he hid from the security guards of Sea World so he could stay at the park after closing. After his death, his parents sued Sea World on account of failure to display public warnings that the whale could actually kill people.

#4: When Victoria’s Secret was sued. Phew!

Bizarre Cases

A cop named Macrida Patterson was trying on a new thong when the tight fit caused a metal clip from the thong to fly off and hit her eye. She filed a case against Victoria’s Secret on June 9, 2008.

#5: WTF!

Bizarre Cases

An Israeli woman sued a TV station when the weatherman wrongly predicted a nice day. The woman ended up getting caught in the rain, causing her to catch the flu, miss a week of work, and purchase medication. She sued for $1,000, claiming that the incident caused her stress, and won the hilarious, but true court case.

#6: Wendy’s Finger Chili Case

Bizarre Cases

In 2005, Anna Ayala claimed she found a severed finger in her Wendy’s chili and the nation made a giant vomiting noise. As a result, Wendy’s lost millions in sales from patrons who had images of severed fingers dancing in their heads. But it turned out to be a giant hoax: the cold fingertip was planted in the chili by Ayala and her husband, Jaime Plascencia, who acquired the fingertip from a friend who lost it in a workplace accident. In 2006, the couple pleads guilty to conspiracy to file a false insurance claim and attempted grand theft. Ayala told ABC News that she hoped her example “served as a warning” to kids. Perhaps she meant that when you make fraudulent severed body parts claims, use a pre-cooked finger. Madness overloaded, I must say!

#7: Woman Sues Dead Man

In 2008, Gayane Zokhrabov was standing on a train platform when she was struck by portions of an unfortunate young man who had just been hit by an oncoming train. When she tried to sue the accident victim, the judge dismissed the case saying the man couldn’t have known where his body was going to strike. Uh, because he was dead.

#8: Woman Loses 80 Cents, Sues for $5 Million!!

Bizarre Cases

A woman walks into a store, buys some things and uses a coupon. When she returns one of those items, she is angered to find out that the refund is the value of the item, minus what was saved with the coupon. In this case, 80 cents. She claimed that the “scheme” “unjustly enriched” the store and deprived her of the “full benefit” of the coupon. So, in order to recoup her $0.80, she sues for $5 million. If you ever needed evidence that Americans are terrible at math, this is it.

Hence, proved! There’s no limit to one’s stupidity.

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