The potential picture of the post Coronavirus world is full of unknowns. As we contemplate about the probabilities, one thing we know for certain is that life won’t return to what it was before the advent of the virus. Several industries have faced major setbacks, many organizations have closed down their shutters, and the economy is paralyzed.
Amid such conundrums, businesses can utilize the period to develop certain skills that would be essential for them to cope up post Coronavirus once the virus is successfully contained.
Leadership and Emotional Intelligence:

When it is time to scale rough waters, the most crucial skill that comes to the rescue is adept leadership. Leadership skills include having a clear vision and proficiently communicating your strategy, along with managing and supervising your team of workers. This hour of crisis calls for able leadership to guide the team from a distance and inspire the teammates to work hard, since work-from-home is now a part of the ‘new normal’.
Many companies are in favour of working from home until the end of the year. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the morale of the team high and bring out their best. Having a high emotional intelligence would come in handy in connecting to employees at an emotional level when they feel uncertain about their jobs and future, besides being aware and in control of one’s own emotions. Leaders need to be empathetic and prioritize mental health.
Flexibility and Adaptability:

With the evident change in times, it is imperative to learn to adapt to the conditions, whether good or bad. The lockdown has already begun to shape us up in accepting changes, but these are likely to continue in the office space when the pandemic threat is lifted. Being flexible, possessing an open mindset, being able to tackle pressure, adjusting to new regulations and unexpected deadlines, accepting additional responsibilities and prioritizing tasks, would be crucial to keep a business afloat.
Tech Savviness:

The pandemic has brought about huge digital transformations were working, conducting meetings, giving presentations etc, are all dependent on online mediums and social media tools. Knowing your way around digital platforms, aptitude to learn new technologies and implementing emerging tools efficiently in work, are of utmost importance now.
Artificial intelligence, Internet controlled operations, robotics etc are likely to be the soon-approaching future that would immensely boost the worth of industries and make them resilient to subsequent pandemics. The companies fluent in Coding skills, web development, data literacy, virtual and augmented reality and digital marketing would be in a great position as the 4th Industrial Revolution is nigh.
Creativity and Innovation:

The companies that have been able to steadfastly accept the challenges thrown by the pandemic and lockdown by coming up with new and relevant product ideas, shipping methods, virtual delivery services, are better equipped to emerge victorious. Many healthcare providers and pharmacies have upgraded their spontaneous delivery systems; Mercedes F1 shifted from making racing cars to innovative breathing aids.
The post Coronavirus situation will demand such impromptu ideas and human ingenuity to invent new products plus working methods to increase demand among the population, provide secure working space for employees and help a business to flourish. Thinking outside the box, and evolving and adapting according to needs would help navigate a business across challenges and opportunities.
Critical Thinking:

In an era where future endeavours would be much dependent on online mediums, an upsurge of fake news and contrasting data will be a common picture. During the pandemic, misrepresentations of studies and data have rapidly increased as leaders, governments, and businesses are engaged continuously in shifting the blame, diverting attention and avoiding proper scrutiny.
Navigating rationally and objectively evaluating information from diverse sources to determine the credibility of data, will be indispensable. Organizations will have to rely on critical thinking and understanding cross-cultural ideas for efficient decision-making.
Perfecting these skills would be crucial to run one’s business smoothly in the post Coronavirus world.
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