The day she was born, heaven must have cried,
Sending a beautiful angel, a blessing in disguise.
A loving child to her father, her mother’s pretty silhouette,
Kept everybody happy, never let ‘em face any trouble.
A fortunate day arrived, she met the prince of her life.
With all the happiness, God could not grant any more,
Rather took away what she adored.
Giving her the prince, he took away her knight
Along with all her delights.
She stood strong and never let her hopes down
For she had to stand by her mother without a frown.
Beautiful bride in red, reached her kingdom
Where she merrily lead.
Two little lovely children, couldn’t ask for more,
The Prince and the Princess were both in awe.
Happily ever after is just a phrase, life is cruel,
One must accept it that way.
Almighty takes away the precious ones’ soon,
It is that gospel truth which I myself have experienced
as a cocoon.
Her beau was one of a kind,
Generous, Gentle and Curer of mankind.
Went upstairs to the heaven, leaving her alone
In this relentless nation.
A fighter she was and a fighter is she, overcame the grief
And emerged as much stronger as she could be.
Over powering the patriarchal world, she survived and lived for good,
Giving her children all the luxuries that she could.
A happy family and a small blissful world of three,
All the happiness that I can demand may forever and ever her be.
All I fancy is that curve on her face,
Every glee and joy may come her way…
On this mother’s day, I wish each and every mother A Very Happy Mother’s Day. Blessed are those who can embrace their mother’s love. Mothers are our creators and they deserve every pleasure that we can shower on them. So let’s take out some time from our busy schedules and show some gratitude towards our mother’s.
Beautiful poem.