Tarot Reading 13th July 2020 – 19th July 2020

Aries (21 March –19 April)

You think you don’t have enough in life but what is seen in the cards is that you are sulking for no reason. You have a very loving spouse. Although your family is exceptionally loving towards you, but your primary concern is your spouse. You actually don’t realise that you are very fortunate to have such wife/husband and you have no idea either about how much your wife/husband loves you. Your spouse is all for you and so loyal as well; they haven’t thought of anyone but you. You are taking them for granted. Refrain from it.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Amidst so much chaos around you, you have managed to get a good deal for your company, and you are celebrating your hard-earned victory. There is only and only happiness in your life right now, and it is about to stay the same. You are feeling very energetic and ecstatic because your work is going very well. Your family life also is doing fantastic hence you have ample reasons to be happy. Be happy and spread your happiness to others. This is a wonderful time for you. Make the most of it.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

You have got a brilliant idea regarding something, but you are becoming emotional for no reason. Maybe because you just lost one of your parents and you are missing them too much? You are mixing this idea with the loss of your parent. It is definitely an emotional time for you but losing this idea in over sensitivity is not a wise thing. Separate these two things and go for the idea because it will give you many things. It will help you to recover from the state of loss you are in and will make your demised parent proud of you. Consider this idea seriously.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

Have you lost someone very close recently? And this pain is so deep that it will take a long time to heal. This week will be a mixture of happy news and the effect of the demise of a near and dear one. Though it is fair to morn in such circumstance, you are still advised to take time out and celebrate the happy news. This happy news will help you heal, and whatever happiness it brings in your life, it will help you come out of your sad state.
Take time out to celebrate it. Don’t let this happy news go by without changing your mindset. You can’t mourn forever. Somewhere you will come out of your blues. Let this opportunity help you bring back your lost smile. This happy news will bring stability in your life, so don’t take it for granted. It is the much-awaited happy news.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

You are going to face a new boss very soon, and you will be so much influenced by her/him that you will forget your own powers. Your seniors will try to take advantage of you, and you will not be able to say “no” to them. This is an extreme situation, and you will be not amused by it at all. Every situation teaches something, and this circumstance will teach you the importance of speaking up in front of influential people.
You must not forget your own powers and that you are sufficient and that you must stand for yourself because no one else will. Speak up. Raise your voice and let your seniors know what is in your mind. Whether you approve with them or not? Be straight forward. Don’t be so shy that they openly take advantage of you. Stand up for yourself. Courageously.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

Something significant is going to happen with you, which will leave a drastic impact on your life. You are advised to drive slow in the next two weeks to come. Drive with minimum speed possible so that you can avoid any major accident. You should wear a good quality helmet and drive slow. Especially in these coming weeks, you must slow down. Enjoy the journey and don’t drive rash. A little precaution will go a long way in your safety. You shouldn’t panic but take all sort of precautions.
Also, you have a lot to give to society as you are very wealthy and famous as well. You can afford to share a little portion of your wealth with the poor and the needy. You will feel a sense of fulfilment nothing else could give you. Do charity this week selflessly.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

You will work hard this week, but there are high chances you would not be appreciated for your hard work, yet instead, you will be sent to supervise something insignificant just because some employee doesn’t show up. It will be a negligible work, and you might crib and complain a lot. In this case, you are advised to remain calm and composed and do that work and report to your seniors on time. Things are not in your favour, so don’t even think of resigning and leaving the job.
Wait for some weeks and think many times before quitting. Quitting is not any great option for you. Just go with the flow and let times change. It was better earlier, and it will become better with time once again. Your hard work will be noticed and therefore keep working hard. Things will change after some months and might even get promoted. Hence everything is not lost in this job—just a slow phase. Life will come back on track as far as your job is concerned.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

If you want to move ahead in life, then be determined to do so and keep a check on your emotions. Don’t let your emotions overpower you and make you weak. You also have to shun the illusions that you have and instead of it, dream big. Don’t get lost in the options that you have but choose one which is the closest to your heart and stick to it however difficult your journey is. Don’t take short cuts but work hard and never give up on your dreams. Work hard to realise them. It’s worth it. However long it takes, stick to achieve your dreams.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

You are not able to study properly because you can’t focus on one thing for long. This problem started a few months ago, and you didn’t realise that you have a problem which is best treated by professionals. You are advised to take professional help in this case and tell the doctor/psychiatrist about the issue of not being able to recognise the different numerical and alphabets.
You have a problem and symptoms are also widely known by the doctors. Go to the best doctors and know about this specific problem and also don’t feel disappointed that you have a common problem that can be well treated.
Don’t become hopeless and don’t feel disappointed at all. You are unique and know that you are one of a kind. Never feel disheartened as well. Everything is well. All you need to do is to understand yourself better now when this problem has come to the surface. It is not the end of the world. Life has just begun!
Parents are also advised to understand this problem better and not to compare your child with other children. Treat your child as a special child and try to understand her/him in a better way. This disease is curable, don’t lose hope. With hard work, you can perform excellently in your academics and also don’t forget to take part in other activities in school. Don’t let any disease take away your talents and your power. Stand tall and be victorious.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

There is a lot of boredom and much imbalance in your life right now. You have been perplexed by the event around you, and you want some respite from the stress that situations give you. Take more rest and take more time out from your busy schedule. Don’t hoard money and don’t become miser but where it is important, spend generously without thinking twice.
You have a tendency of becoming miser and of cutting money in buying basic amenities as well. This tendency is harming your family, and that’s why you are advised to start spending on at least basic things. Don’t become so miser that it hurts you and your family’s health. They need basic amenities, give them those basic things.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

A lot of good times are in store for you, and you will see victory as well. You will get opportunities to celebrate your success, and you will get new connections as well but make sure these connections stay in your life in the form of clients/business partners because these connections will help you in a long way in your business/job. Take care of these connections as they will be very beneficial for your business/job. They will give you much-needed success.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

You are living an ideal life right now with wealth and happy family life. But one rash decision will change everything in your life. And that is to have an argument with neighbours or with your own people – friends and/or family. If you get in any dispute, remove yourself from it entirely before it turns ugly. Don’t argue because it will completely change the state of your life.
From happiness, it will turn into anger and rivalry, which won’t be good for you at all. If you have any issue with someone, solve it amicable or invite unpleasant circumstances in your life, which you wouldn’t want. So, be kind and gentle in handling any controversial issue. Anger will fume the fire and will engulf you making things bad to worse. The choice is yours – do you want to be happy or frustrated with life.
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