Tarot Reading 11th January 2021 – 17th January 2021

Aries (21 March –19 April)

Life is not easy at the moment because you have too many options to choose from and also there is something that is making you very uncomfortable as well. You are suspicious of someone not being honest with you. You don’t trust someone and you think that this person is adding problems in your life. The fact of the matter is that you are still dwelling in your past and you don’t trust this person because of your past experience but the fact is that you also think somewhere that this person has changed and is no more the same as earlier.
This person has already repented of her/his actions and whether you know or not, this person is no more the same. With time people always change and you too have changed. If possible try to forgive this person and communicate your deep feelings with her/him and try to know this person better. Your relationship will improve and your doubts will disappear making you both good friends once again. Try to know what made this person did wrong to you and you may be surprised to know what this person was going through at that time. You will get to hear a new story and this version of this version will change your perspective about her/him and you will realise that there is always a reason for someone to do something that you won’t like. Try to find out that reason in every broken or strained relationship.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

After facing a lot of hardships, finally you will see sun shining brightly over the sky. Yes good things do happen and it is happening with you right now in your life. Life is not always about pain, it is also about comfort and triumph. Your worst is over and now you are experiencing comfort and this comfort will not last forever because now you are going on an adventurous ride where you will be forced to come out of your comfort zone and you will experience excitement and you will achieve a lot at well on this roller coaster ride. Enough of boredom – now you will feel the excitement of life. You will not feel settled for some more time but this instability will take you to far off places and you will feel rejuvenated and alive. This change will be drastic and you will feel nervous as well at first but when good things happen to you, you will feel the bliss in life that you are being shown the new avenues in life which you hadn’t thought off in your dreams that this was also possible. Life is truly magical in this phase of your work if you think in the right direction. You will still feel uncomfortable because it is a brand new phase of your life but you will get used to it with time. Let life take you to far and wide places and let it show you once in a life time experiences – do not hesitate and do not fight with it. Flow along and don’t try to stop this adventure.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

You are about to start your own small business and you have a lot to do in order to open it. You have to go through a lot of procedures to get your business going. It might even require patience but your business/project will take off despite of obstacles of the long process to begin a business. You have already started to get orders and other sort of help which is very much required in to begin earning through your business/project as if it is the right time to become an entrepreneur. This is a good sign for you that some people have already given you orders. Don’t let any obstacle force you to change your mind. Don’t change your mind and don’t stop working on your new venture. Just because it is tough and time and energy consuming process to start a business, don’t stop it because when you are already seeing the positive signs regarding your business, you must take a giant leap and start it full fledgedly without any doubt. Don’t give up because it is not easy. Challenges will come and if your resolve is strong, you will overcome them with flying colours. Trust yourself and take this leap.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

You have gone through a lot of financial troubles in your recent past which has compelled you to start saving money. You must truly save money as much as you can in this phase of your life. If finances are short, curb your spendings and save more money that you have been saving so far. You need to save more money this time of your life. This phase will continue for a while but do not be discouraged as you will get justice sooner or later. If you are dealing with any court case, if you have been falsely accused of something or any other kind of injustice done to you, you will get justice sooner or later but you will surely get your justice. Never forget that sun shines brightly after every night and that’s how problems are – temporary. They keep coming in some intervals to test us and every problem comes with a solution. You just have to find a solution to your problem and if you are not able to find any solution, you will be helped by a lot of people to overcome your challenges. You are not alone. Ask for help if you need help and don’t hesitate to take that help. You are a kind soul and you will definitely be helped.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

You are very much over with the past situation and you are so fed up of what is happening in your life that you just want to walk away and start something new. You were sulking in the past of things not going your way but now you have completely drifted away from your certain things that have been on your mind for a long time. You want to start something new and it is so overwhelming also for you to deal with so many emotions of the past. You have moved on but you still need some healing. It takes time to heal from something that painful and tormenting.
Allow yourself to be healed first and then only you will be healed. When you seek help, help comes to you. Let go of the past in the pace you are comfortable with. Don’t be harsh on yourself because this is the matter of the heart and a lot of emotions are involved in it. Your heart aches and you still are strong. Don’t get discouraged and disheartened any more. The past is over and now you have to start afresh. You will be healed when you allow others to help. You too should take steps to overcome of the emotions related to the past. Everything will fall in place on time and you will be free of your past baggage very soon But for that, you have to work on yourself.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

You have been through a bitter heart ache and you are very hurt and sad. Sadness has taken over your life and you are finding it difficult to move on from the past. You are not even thinking of let the past go. You are dwelling in your past way too much and you are not able to see life form fresh perspective. You are too involved in your past right now that you are not living in present. Life is not that bad and you have a lot to be grateful for but you are choosing to live in the past. Get over with your past and start living a life of joy and happiness. You don’t deserve to live miserably but you are given a message to move on in your life. Let the bygones be bygones and start afresh.
Rebuild your life and start becoming happy and peaceful. Also, don’t get intimidated by someone who wants to harm you. Be strong and don’t bow down who intimidate you. Have confidence in yourself that you will be able to deal with them eye to eye. It doesn’t mean you harm them, but it means that you won’t be scared from them. Be confident in dealing with such people. You are not less than anybody!
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

You are working smart for your own new venture and things are looking pretty good for the new venture. You are waiting for new opportunities to come and you have had some success in your venture as well. Since it is new hence it will take some time to get the success that you dream of. You are hesitant to ask for help in your venture and a little critical as well as far as your start up is concerned. You find a lot of mistakes already because things are not the way you expect.
You must give it sometime. Let your employees also understand you work. Right now don’t expect so much that you don’t trust your employees. You should be patient and good towards your team. You need to understand and realize that it takes time to build up a good team and it takes a good behaviour and smart way of dealing with your employees. You can’t expect a very new team member to understand everything on her/his own. You must properly brief them and repeat your instructions in a good way if need be. They are also humans and you must spend quality time to train them. They need a very good training and in a friendly environment. If you be good to them and kind to them, they will become an asset to your company. Hence pay attention on them with patience.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

You are stuck in something and you don’t know how to get out of it. You are stuck in the old way of thinking and you are not looking for out of the box solutions of your problems. Try changing your perspective and then see how you quickly get solutions to your problems. Try to think from a different perspective – may be from a positive mindset. It will help you a lot in dealing with this problem. Be optimistic and try to search solution to your problem.
You are intuitive and you are very good at guessing things but you still doubt your abilities. You must trust at yourself. You are advised to increase your psychic powers by learning other psychic and healing modalities. You can do wonders in the field of healing and being an expert in psychic abilities. You are encouraged to take guidance from any senior healer or any other expert in psychic abilities and /or to learn more modalities. You are made for this kind of work and you will create ripples in this field, once you start learning more. You are very powerful and you must use your powers to help others. You can also make it your living by earning through healing and help others with your psychic gifts. You are advised to take the path towards spirituality a little more seriously and then help people through your gifts. T will give immense pleasure and satisfaction. You will love it when you get into this field of spirituality and you will be able to help many people. Take this message as a green signal from the universe.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

You are very stressed out because you are multitasking and giving your hundred percent into your work. You work so hard, your personal life has taken a toll. You have become frustrated and you are very much involved in everything that is going around you. You don’t have any time to relax and think about yourself. Things are coming from all the sides at once and you are dealing with them deftly but still you are fed up and frustrated. It is as if you don’t have any other option.
You have also reached the saturation point but you don’t know how to come out of this situation. You are facing burnout and you can’t go any further. Although it is the work that you love but you are done with it now. This phase has come because you have taken a lot on your shoulders than you can do. You alone cant handle so many things at a time as you are also human. Say ‘No’ to more work and start taking breaks in between the days of your work. Don’t let your people depend on you for everything. What you did as a job of your liking, you have taken a lot on your shoulders. Take a break of few days and slowly and gradually start taking less work on your shoulders. You should say ‘No’ to the extra work immediately and try to delegate work to others as well. Even if your seniors or other people don’t like this stand of yours of saying ‘No’, you still should say no to the extra work. You have proved yourself and now it is time to do only that much work which is possible. Don’t over work. Now you don’t have to prove to anyone as you have shown everyone what you are capable of. Now take a break from extra work.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

You are being judged ruthlessly by someone and this is killing your free spirit. It is as if this person is after you and criticising you a lot. In this situation, you are advised to stop giving this criticism any weightage and because this criticism is a destructive criticism which is killing your spirit, you must stop taking it. Be vocal about when you feel bad with this person in a gentle way and make sure this person knows that you don’t like her/his criticism. You don’t have to be fearful of this person but make sure that you talk it out. Because of you don’t speak up for yourself, this will go on and on. Don’t fight with this person but firmly and sweetly tell this person to not to speak with you in harsh way. You should stand firm and proud of yourself and be confident so that you can deal with this situation in a better way.
The more you don’t stand for yourself, the more you will be suppressed by others. So, stand up for yourself everytime you get criticised wrongly. Talk it out. Communication will solve this problem of yours. Be free of this destructive criticism and don’t take this personally as much as you can. It could be a misunderstanding and nothing else and therefore you must start a healthy communication with this person in sweet and kind manner. In this way, you will be able to resolve your issue.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

You have some addictions in your life which are proving to be detrimental to your physical health. You also have some habits which are very harmful for your overall wellbeing. Know that your body cannot bear of the excess of your bad habits specially if it is related to what you consume. You are very well aware of the hazards of excessive alcohol consumption and you still can’t control yourself. This addiction is proving very harmful on your family members as well but you are ignoring it completely. Because if you continue doing the same thing, you are going to be in a major health problem. You are not taking any advice to stop drinking alcohol seriously and you are very stubborn as well.
Know that this kind of lifestyle will sooner or later will become a very serious issue as far as your health is concerned and you family will also be in a problem because of your bad habits. Stop excessive drinking and stop it right away. Don’t wait for a calamity to happen but take responsibility of your actions and habits. The onus of your health is only upon you and on nobody else’s. You have been given a life, honour it.
Transform your life completely and have no bad habits in your life. It is beneficial for you and for everyone around you as well.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

It seems like you are not able to decide between few proposals to get married. There are unreasonable demands from you from your partner to be. You are conservative in your mindset and it reflects in the kind of partner you wish to get married to. You cannot have only your say in marriage, because the other person is also as important as you are. You can’t expect your partner to follow you blindly everywhere without asking questions and you also shouldn’t expect your partner to not raise her/his opinion which might be contradictory from you. The way you think about your partner, it is as if you are looking for a robot.
Try to mellow down as far as your expectations are concerned and see things reasonably. No one is born to be dominated upon. No female and no male. Don’t think of dominating your partner because if you do, you will lose your partner and you will only get a puppet out of your partner. Both the parties have equal say in a relationship and then only a relationship become ideal for both the people involved. You will get stuck in a marriage where there is no equality of any sort. Ask yourself if this is what you want. Be realistic and reasonable. Think of marrying a beautiful person who has her/his own quirks and give space to that person to blossom along with you. You will love your life if you give freedom to your partner in everyway possible because this is the ideal way of living in a marriage.
Disclaimer: These are general tarot readings and everything may or may not resonate with everyone, so take whatever you resonate with and leave the rest.