5 Signs That Shows Your Relationship Has Hit The Expiry Date

Breakup–does happen; some comes screaming out of the blue moon, while the other is like watching an approaching train and knowing you will never get out of the way in time. However, it is not always so filmy and dramatic, sometimes it might have already ended, but you did not notice. Even when your love, hopes are coming to an end, you will still try to put on a show trying to avoid the situation and keep the relationship going.
All this happens, after all, it is hard to give up to the fact that it is ending. Although, at some point in time, you need to realise that there is no use dragging the weight of pretending. Here are some sings for you to understand that your relationship is already over, and its time you let it go.
5. You aren’t communicating

Communication is the soul of a relationship; after all, no one is a mind reader. Expecting your partner to understand your wants and need might end up in disappointment. Everyone tends to misunderstand this simple term; communication is not talking; it is a way to express yourself to your other half. When everybody is talking, but nobody is actually connecting, there comes the problem. If the two of you aren’t able to bridge this gap, then the relationship is dead in the water.
It’s not about the long conversation, but express your needs and wants. It doesn’t matter if you end up in fights; because at times, the argument can help to convey your emotions better. If that space is not there, then better move on.
4. Going from one fight to another

No couple, no matter how perfectly in sync or love they may be, can’t avoid fighting. As long as you are two different individuals, there is always room for differences that leads to arguments and fight. However, it matters are how you handle them. When your relationship has shifted to a never-ending string of arguments, grievances and all-out fights, then you’re looking at a relationship that’s gone past its expiration date. Fight after fights are just a sign that something has gone wrong, and you are not able to solve it. Piling up your long gone arguments will only end up in frustration and more fight.
3. Trust is nowhere (Nothing Gets Forgiven)

One of the hardest things about a relationship is that nobody is perfect. Mistakes happen, sometimes it can be painful, but it can be worked around. Yet there are other times where you can’t just let go, which eventually leads to an extension of the relationship. Part of what makes a relationship work is putting the effort to get over that ugly past and fixing the damage. Setting things only work when it is a two-way street; if efforts are put only from one side, it eventually will lead to tiredness. One person has to undergo to fix the damage, while the other has to be mentally prepared to forgive.
Although, it is better to leave the part once forgiven; otherwise, this will spread poison in your relationship. If your past sins are continuously brought up, then probably it was never forgiven, and you need to move on.
2. Nothing gets resolved

If you are not ready to meet at the halfway, there goes your relationship in a puddle of mud. You can yell and scream, use charts and facts to state your points, but if all those get washed away? The worst aspect, of course, is when your partner even agrees with you that things need to change. However, those changes never happen; those promises just get blown away with the wind. You can yet again go for a full-fledged discussion or argument–but what is the point, if it ends the same?
1. You want it to be over

Many people linger in broken or flatlining relationships because they are looking for something that can be pointed to as a reason to leave. Ironically enough, this is the surest sign that the relationship is over; it’s over because you have decided it is. You just need not drag it along; if you find it is not working out then better do what has to be done; end it quickly and clearly. It would be better for you as well as the other person.
A breakup is always painful, but what is more painful is being in a relationship that is already over. So make sure to find it before you are completely shattered.