A beautiful ending with a grand celestial event to go before we bid this year — and the second decade of the 21st century — adios. A solar eclipse is expected to be visible in most parts of India, and that will light up the sky with a bright ‘ring of fire’ Thursday morning. It will be the last solar eclipse of this year, which is predicted to begin around 8 am and will last for about six hours, ending shortly after 1:30 pm.
What is a Solar Eclipse?
A Total Surya Grahan or Total Solar Eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, shading Earth’s view of the Sun entirely. In simple words, when Sun, Moon, and Earth come in a straight line, the Moon covers the rays of Sun from touching the Earth.
From where can I watch the solar eclipse?
December 26 Surya Grahan will be visible mostly in South Indian States of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka and the Union Territory of Puducherry. Apart from India, the solar eclipse will be visible in the Middle East, North-Eastern Africa, Asia (except north), Eastern Russia, North, and Western Australia and Solomon Island.
As per IMD, the below cities and the regions around them will be able to witness it in full glory:
Kerala: Kannur, Kochi, Kozhikode Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum)
Tamil Nadu: Coimbatore, Madurai, Ooty, Trichy, and Chennai
Karnataka: Mangaluru and Bengaluru
Total Surya Grahan is a natural phenomenon, and as per the Hindu mythology, it has its impact on the human body. It is a rare phenomenon, and over time, it is believed that this Surya Grahan can harm the human body. Starting from the diet, mood to even the harmful effects on pregnant women and the newborns.
Harmful effect and Precautions:
If you are planning on going out during the total solar eclipse or observing the eclipse, you must wear eclipse glasses or use an indirect viewing method when watching a total surya grahan. It is highly advised against seeing the Sun directly during the total solar eclipse as it may cause permanent damage to your retina and may result in complete or partial blindness.
Moreover, there are a host of superstitions and myths related to the phenomenon of solar and lunar eclipse. It is said to cause health risks to pregnant women and the unborn child. The primary reason behind the same is said to be the altered wavelength and intensity of light radiations on the surface of the Earth.
What not to do during the solar eclipse 2019
Expectant mothers are usually asked to stay indoors during the Surya Grahan. In some cultures across the world, including India, it is also believed that exposure to eclipse may lead to physical birth deformity to the fetus like cleft lip and birthmarks.
1. It is advised not to travel during the solar eclipse.
2. Avoid doing any auspicious task.
3. It is recommended that one should not eat any food or drink water during the Surya Grahan.
However, there is no scientific backing to these myths and harmful effects to date. So if you have eclipse glasses, step outside your house and take a good view of one of the most beautiful natural phenomena.