The Reunification of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh

The Reunification of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh under a secular modern minded government will enable India (in which I include Pakistan and Bangladesh, which are really part of India, only temporarily separated) to emerge as a powerful modern industrial giant, which will be the greatest historical event as yet in the 21st century.
England had its revolution from 1640-1660, America from 1775-1781, France from 1789-1794, Russia in 1917 and China in 1949. Now it is our turn. This Indian Revolution will sweep away the filth of all feudal ideas, practices and laws, such as casteism, communalism and superstitions and replace them with modern scientific thinking and rational institutions and practices, thus enabling our people to enjoy a high standard of living, with full employment and good incomes, healthcare, nutritious food, good education, etc for all.
It will thus shake up and unleash powerful forces in the whole world, particularly the underdeveloped world which will follow our example. IPBRA, the Indo-Pak-Bangla Reunification Association is thus a concept of historical importance, as it is the first step in the process of this reunification. Its primary task is to widely disseminate the idea of such reunification as a historical necessity before its actual achievement in reality. How the actual reunification will take place will be worked out by the people themselves using their creativity.
The most powerful force in the modern world are the people, but the people need correct ideas for them to act. Once a correct idea is placed before them it will grip the masses and become a material force, a tornado or a cyclone, a force so formidable and potent that no power in the world can resist it.
Indians, your time to rise has come.
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