Can An Entrepreneur Take A Break ??

I thought of checking with other entrepreneurs about what are their dreams besides growing their startup and I am not surprised by similar answers I got from all these 3 young entrepreneurs. Can you guess? Read this article to know more.
99% will say No! 1% will say it Depends! But I have a clear answer. Yes! I am an entrepreneur and I need a break.
Few of you who would be reading this post just to get the answer may have already left reading it because that’s not what an entrepreneur can think. They must also be thinking in their minds that I am following my passion & living my dream every day, so then why the hell do I need a break? All I should care about is growing my startup, getting it funded, acquiring more customers, getting a second round of funding and then growing it 10x, 100x and zillionth times during my lifetime.
But that’s not how I think about living my entrepreneurial life. I quit my job to enjoy my life to the fullest and growing my startup is just one of the many dreams that I have. My life shouldn’t end up just growing my startup while I get older sitting with my laptop taking my startup to newer heights. And mind it, it’s not that I am not passionate about my startup or am just working on it to kill time. It’s just that I came out of a monotonous life and I don’t want to knit myself another one.
No matter how passionate I am for my startup, I want some rest. Period.
I need a rest from the long seating hours, my strained eyes want to feel the calmness of nature rather than the brightness of my laptop & my mind want a way to organize my thoughts. My whole body shouts out for some days with no deadlines, meetings, projects, & so on.
I thought of checking with other entrepreneurs about what are their dreams besides growing their startup and I am not surprised by similar answers I got from all these 3 young entrepreneurs. Can you guess? Let me tell you in their own words.
Anuj Agarwal, Co-Founder, cbetter, wrote, “I, as a person, dream of solo backpacking around the world, want to meet different people and write their stories because everyone has a story. Want to do odd jobs with the local people of the place I am traveling to, get my hands dirty with them, want to learn different languages, want to serve the mankind and explore the unexplored places especially. :)”
Shraddha Khandelwal, Founder, Platte India, wrote, “Well I have a couple of dreams but the most crazy one that I really wish I fulfil one day is to travel the world and see all the major fireworks shows around the world with my family. From the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, to Sydney Harbor in Australia, London EYE, Disney land, etc. And I really wish to visit Montreal again to see the LA Ronde fireworks competition. It’s the world’s best fireworks competition and absolutely mesmerising. Will take a month long vacation, and stay in beautiful Quebec, and drive down to see the shows! Now, That would be living the LIFE!!!!:D”
Nikhilesh Tayal, Co-Founder, Stagephod, said, “I want to travel whole of India by cycle and travel every country.
Seems like entrepreneurs are on the lookout for a break & to travel to places is a crazy dream that we all commonly share. And is my answer to entrepreneurs who are craving for a break and don’t have the guts to ask themselves for taking one. Imagine a break with 15 ignited minds who are as passionate as you are & need some time to rejuvenate themselves. Maybe few of those 99 % would come along too.
I am not a fake entrepreneur but a real person for whom life is much more than a startup. And I think that you and I are not so different. We might be running distinctive businesses and our ideas and startups are definitely not the same, but there is one thing very much same with us, PASSION. We are the game changers & we are the people who are writing the future of how the world interacts with technology and products and more. That’s what makes us different from the world but that’s where we are the same.
So I again ask you, not the entrepreneur you but also the PASSIONATE ADVENTURER in you! Are you among the 99% or 1%?
I will be happy to connect & hear both of them.
Disclaimer : One of the person I have quoted above is a curator of enTRIPreneur but I reached all of them in the month of Jan when I was just exploring entrepreneurial mindset.