Tarot Reading – 1st June 2020 to 7th June 2020


There has been a celebration in your family amidst the lockdown, and you have had a great time, but now you are burdened with great responsibility, and you think you are alone in this. You don’t know how to deal with this situation. In such a case, you are advised to speak to others about the heavy burden you have on your shoulders and share it with them. Tell other family members or friends about your situation and let them help you. Don’t stress at all. There is a solution to every problem, and this problem, too, shall be resolved. They will hear you out and will help you. Never be alone; always share your problems with others who are close to you.
The coming week will bring you several gifts in terms of love. Your loving family members will shower love upon you as you mean the world to them. With your strength, you will be able to face challenges in your path, and your ways to deal with challenges will be creative. You are very creative, and you’re the way you deal with problems is different and practical.

You have been through torturous time off late, and you have been misunderstood as well. You are advised to see things from different perspectives, and that should be positive. You have to come out of the negative thinking immediately as you are doing through depression. You need help and, if possible, take professional advice from a counselor regarding your depression. Happy times are not far away, and the sky will be brighter.
You feel bonded and chain, which is not the case. You are carrying very unhealthy emotions in you. You feel that life has nothing to offer, and you search for peace of mind and heart. You are also crying over the spilled milk and not concentrating on the positive things in your life. You are advised to sort yourself by working lovingly towards yourself and leave the past behind and go on an adventure! You need to break the monotony of life by becoming positive, optimistic, and by allowing joy to fill your life.

If you are scared to take that giant leap, don’t be, because this is the time to go for it. Have conviction in your heart that you will do it, and you will make it happen. Keep your focus on the goal and do whatever it takes to make things happen. Get inspired and nourish yourself because this is the adventure you were longing to go on! You are capable enough to go on this journey. You will get life-changing experiences on the way.
If you seek a settlement in life, this might happen this week. This would be hard work getting settled, but with the help of others, you will be able to work it out. If you are someone who carries your heart on sleeves, then you are encouraged to remain the same. Don’t change for anyone. This is a very sweet quality of yours.

An opportunity from not so far away might come to you, and it will help to build your confidence. It will bring new people in your life, and this is the right time to showcase your skills and talents. You have got the Midas touch! Don’t feel trapped; just go with the flow. You are advised to master the thoughts that tell you that this opportunity is too big for you to take on. Just go with the flow and see how this opportunity turns out.
Your kids are rampaging your house, and they are playing all the time. Don’t stop them from being them. Remember your childhood when you used to play? Let them have fun. This is the only time they can be free from the baggage of life. And if you are worried about their studies, then know that they will eventually find their way. Don’t control them so much that they forget who they truly are.

If you want to get stability in your heart and mind, you have to forgive someone immediately. This hatred and bitterness is consuming you, and it has become a huge problem in your life. You daydream of taking revenge, which is consuming every good in you. Get over with your past. Don’t dwell them forever, and don’t think of harming anyone. This is against your true nature. You are not like this. With your internal strength, you can gain victory over this hatred.
You want justice with this particular person, and whether you realize it or not, it has to do with your ego. Don’t let ego consume you; in fact, you should make peace with this person. Move beyond this situation and create a beautiful life of yours where there is no hatred. Because once you have forgiven this person, you will feel as if a huge load has come off you. Try it and see for yourself!

You must trust your intuition because you are very intuitive, and you know things without said to you. Trust your intuition. If something is hidden from you, it will come out soon. And then you will get peace of mind. Very soon, you will be guided to stand for somebody else, and that will give you satisfaction because you will be helping someone selflessly.
You are very experienced, and you finish your work with great speed. Don’t let anyone harm you verbally at your workplace. Don’t take criticism personally, especially when you know you are not wrong. Ignore who wants to pull you down and stand up for yourself.

Are you going to travel to a faraway place? Because you may find your love interest there! You might be traveling to a new location and would stay there for a few months as you have a house over there. And you will meet the special one there! You don’t carry your past baggage in the present, which is a very good quality of yours. This new person will be a little on the face but honest. You might love the simplicity of this person.
You take a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. Although you have wealth and you are very determined in achieving something that you love. You know how to handle several people having different views. You are respected by many. You are deft at counseling people. You are capable of handling groups of people.

Do you feel trapped? As if you cannot think of any better option to come out from a situation. And this is because of COVID – 19. Your business has come to a standstill, and you feel that everything has gone away from you. Especially material wealth. Although your intuition is telling you again and again that this is not the end of the world, but you are not listening to it. Listen to what your sixth sense has to say. With hard work, you can again achieve milestones. This is not the end of the world.
There is a lot of hope, and there are opportunities all around you, don’t go to extremes in thinking that the world is over. Don’t be harsh with children. Instead, talk to them politely and show them how much you love them. Nourish your children. You are advised to have a clear cut and loving communication with your children, spouse, and all the other family members.

Do you hide a lot of emotions in you? Have you converted yourself into an introvert? Something bad happened to you and because of which you have changed completely. You were a fun-loving person, and now you have become someone who constantly grieves. You are not taking care of yourself at all, and you are ignoring your body’s signal asking you to come out of your sad state.
You are crying on the spilled milk, and life looks sad and monotonous to you. Come out of this state and live your life to the fullest. Try to see the positive side of life. You need a break from this sorry state of yours. Get up and start living again. There is a lot of hope if you try to see things from different perspectives. Life is beautiful and full of happiness and joy. See things from a positive mindset, and you will see life differently.

You are a happy go lucky person. Though you have a lot of responsibilities, yet you don’t complain. You have mastered your emotions, and that’s your USP. You have worked very hard to reach where you have reached. And the way you see the world is beautiful. You are advised not to change for anyone.
You are a very resilient person. You have gone through so much, but you don’t let negative experiences affect you anymore. You have moved on. You keep doing your work with strength and determination, and don’t let anything affect you in any way. You are a very balanced person. You are as cool as a cucumber and as fun-loving as anyone can be. You are on the right track.

There is someone in your life, and there are high chances that this person might stab you on your back. This person is not reliable. The kind of happy life you want with this person is difficult to happen; hence you should be practical and tactical in dealing with this person. Better to weigh all the pros and cons of being in the relationship with this person and make decisions accordingly.
You are advised to master the emotions that are unhealthy for you and don’t look for a permanency in this relationship. You are vulnerable at present; hence don’t get attached to this person so much right now. Your days will come, but until then, don’t get attached too much that it hurts. You have to monitor your thoughts and pull yourself out of the depression immediately. You need help to come out of the depression you are in. You can anytime consult a professional counselor for your depression. Depression is so common nowadays that almost everyone has faced it in their lives. Don’t deny your depression, but accept it and search for ways to come out of it. Your willingness is required.

A wave of change is expected in your life. You might walk away from a meaningless situation to something that is more meaningful to you. You are advised to take ample rest as this change arrives because it will be overwhelming for you. Don’t let anyone overpower you.
You have taken a lot of burden of responsibilities on your head. You are advised to take help from others. Take proper diet and nourish yourself in these times. You are advised to start loving yourself in these changing times. Self-love is required from you – which means loving yourself more than ever. You are a lot harsh with yourself, so treat yourself loving every moment of your life, and don’t let anyone demean you. Stand up for yourself.