Tarot Reading 15th February 2021 – 21st February 2021

Aries (21 March –19 April)

Things are looking better in your coming days and your responsibilities are going to end very soon but you will get some other kind of burden in coming days but it won’t be as heavy as the burden you are carrying now. Burden of responsibilities. There is an end of a phase and another phase has to begin now. The ending will come with a beginning and you will be pleasantly surprised with the upcoming beginning of another responsibility. Also, if you have been burdened just too much that you can’t carry the load any further, start saying ‘No’ for extra responsibilities and workload and take help instead from your friends and colleagues. You are working way too hard at the office and you need to delegate your work and start saying ‘No’ to extra work. You need some respite from the heavy workload of yours.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

You feel helpless sometimes and you think you don’t have anyone to help you. You are having lack of money and you are not getting any help from anywhere. But of you look around, there are some people who are your distant relatives who can help you financially in these times. Also, you have something that you don’t want to sell but it is actually of no use. If you sell something that is of no use and it is just a junk in your storeroom, then you must consider selling it and get desired money for your problem. Also, you are a natural-born leader and therefore you can help a lot of people suffering from something in your area. You have command over people and you are fair and just. Hence use your charisma to motivate people for a cause you believe in very much. Something is bothering a lot to the people in your area. People around you are searching for a leader and you can easily fit into that role. Lead people and get the thing done collectively.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

A new emotional beginning for you is in store and you will feel blessed because the life-changing occasion will be happening very soon and you are very happy and anxious and nervous at the same time. You don’t have to think negative about your life post marriage which is due very soon. You are with the right person and this marriage was your dream. You must be thrilled and elated about your dream coming true. Don’t have any second thought and live a happy life with the love of your life. Also, you will be going away from a certain situation forever because you no longer resonate with a certain situation and certain people as well. You no longer want to be a part of this situation because you feel cheated and hence you would like to go away from some people who have done wrong to you. You don’t want to be a part of this group any more. Also, a new romantic relationship is in store for you which isn’t going to last long but will make you feel loved and that you are important for somebody even if the time frame is of few months only. This relationship will be a light-hearted and free of attachments. It won’t harm you nut you still are advised to take slow and don’t rush into this relationship.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

You feel as if you are trapped in a situation and it is draining a lot of energy from you. You are trapped in someone else’s self-created problem and you are stuck there and you feel helpless. There a lot of hidden things in this situation hence you are advised to cut off completely from this situation because you are not at fault and because there are shady things that you are completely unaware of. Something is hidden from you and hence it is not your problem also. Remove yourself from this problem and try to help this person who has created this problem in other ways. You will find out the way out of this problem if you think after not being involved with this situation. There are other ways, you can find out if you start thinking out of the box and even after taking help from some helpful people. Don’t blame this person because she/he is also a victim of circumstances. Also, if you have been giving loans to someone every now and then without getting your money back, you must confront this person as to why she/her needs money so often. Talk sweetly and try to understand this person’s situation.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

You are trying very hard to protect your position in the company from some people who are jealous of your rise in recent times. You have earned your place at work and it is because you have worked very hard ever since you joined this company several years ago. There is a competition in your workplace as far as your designation is concerned. If you stay strong and defend your position, no one will be able to take your place. Also, there is a lot of politics that is happening around you at your workplace but let no one deter you from your place. Don not give up but fight for yourself. There are people in your favour in your company, take their help and stay strong at work front. You should be strong enough to defend yourself and your position in the company. Also, there is a lot of hope in the time to come so if you have been bugged by life a lot, expect some peace in near future. There is a lot of happiness in store for you hence don’t give up and don’t surrender in front of your problems.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

You have been through extremely draining circumstances and you have fought with them bravely and you have given your hundred per cent in dealing with extreme circumstances. You have fought very bravely and now it is time to relax and enjoy the fruit of your labour. You must expect better days and happiness in your life for some time and you are advised to leave your past unhappiness behind and live your life to the fullest. Feel happiness around you and try to be more joyful and take life less seriously. Worst is over and brighter days are on the horizon. Also, some new friendly relationships are about to enter your life because of the change of your place/city. You will be helped by these people who are about to enter your life or have already entered making your life brighter and easier. These friendly people will become your family with time and you might grow deeper bond with them and they will fulfil your need to have a family beside you in the new place you are living in or about to live in. Life is exciting for you in coming days.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

You have won something recently and you are feeling guilty about it because you won against your own best friend/colleague at work. You are not at peace with yourself with this victory. You feel that you did wrong with this person and you think she/he deserved this victory more than you. Perhaps you manipulated at some level and hence you could win this battle of sorts at your workplace but you now feel very bad about your victory. You should go and confess this with your friend because this friend is hurt and you should confess to soothe your soul as well. It will be difficult but your friend and you deserve a transparent relationship. You will feel better and you may even go to the management and tell them that it wasn’t you but your friend who deserved this victory. Coming out clean will save you from harming yourself because of guilt. Do the right thing now and mend things which have gone haywire. This will help you so deeply that you will gain a friend for your lifetime and you will be appreciated for your huge heart. Also, if you are becoming hopeless about your financial problems, you must not go for taking unnecessary loans but cut your expenditures to a lot of extents in order to save some money for the time being because you also know that this financial problem is temporary and not permanent.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

You are very happy these days and you are filled with enthusiasm about your future. You are also happy because your finances are no longer your problem and you are earning very good as well. You want to spend everything on your family and you are doing that as well but you must think and spend for your resources are still limited. If you keep spending your money on unnecessary things, you might again fall into financial problems that you have overcome with great difficulty in recent past only. You were in a lot of financial debts a few years ago and it took you some time to recover from it. But now that you are again not saving your money and spending it on unnecessary things, your financial status can again go down to a great extent. Hence spend little only and keep saving on daily basis. Spend only on things that are very important or else you might again fall into financial crunch. Also, always remember that the good times don’t last forever. If you have been drinking a lot, you might attract a lot of health problems very soon. Control your alcohol consumption immediately because if you don’t do that, your health might get worse in time to come.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

You have been the lifeline of your family and everyone is dependent on you for a lot of things. You are very generous and you are very selfless as well. The only thing which is lacking in your life is a space for yourself. You have given so much to your family without thinking that you too would require your ‘me’ time. You feel very drained and frustrated because you don’t care for yourself as much as you do for others. At this stage of life can expect your children and other people to become dependent on themselves instead of depending on you for almost everything. You need your space and you must now start taking care of yourself in your free time. You must start keeping aside some time for your own things. If you have been thinking of studying further or you want to follow your passion for anything, this is the time to act upon it. Also, if you are in dilemma of some sorts, you are advised to go away from the crowd and spend some time alone to understand what you want and what to do in such circumstances. Your problems have solutions in seclusion. Take some time out and go somewhere for some time only and come back refreshed with a solution in hand.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

You want to be happy and prosperous in life and you have a lot of reason also but somewhere you are not happy even though you are financially very sound and you have a good family life also. You are unhappy because you don’t spend on even important things in life. Your past experiences have made you miser and in fact an extreme miser and this is one of the reasons you are unhappy. You don’t let go of your past fears and control on your spending way too much. You are so well off but yet you don’t spend on anything to have fun and enjoyment in life. You are miser not just in the financial area, you have become very rigid as well when it comes to giving your family some freedom. You control everything in your family and that too in extremes. You have a very controlling nature. You should free your family from your control. Give your family the freedom they deserve because they are craving for a free life without lack of money and the true freedom of spending their money the way they want. You have to learn how to spend and you need to learn how to become free of your own bondage. You are a control freak and you must change this trait of yours immediately without wasting time.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

You are overwhelmed by the amount of work that you have to do and that’s the reason why you are not able to focus your mind on one work. You are very confused and try to do everything together because of which you are not able to finish anything. Your confusion will be sorted if you start organising things in a better way. You must set your priority list first and then finish the top most important work first and then the other work later. Keep your spirits high and finish your work one by one. Tell your clients to wait for some time and meanwhile keep updating them of the process. Don’t stop communication with your clients. You will be able to do everything with a little planning. Don’t rush to finish work but take your tie and tell your clients that it will take time if the work has to be top-notch. Don’t haste but take your time to finish your work. Be practical and set your deadlines keeping in mind that it will take some more days than expected.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

Your life is changing for the better. You have gone through worse and the phase that disturbed you the most is about to go away forever. Now you don’t have to be stressed about the safety of your people. They are safe and everything has worked out well. You just have to be patient until they settle down in their respective cities/places. Meanwhile, now you must work on your anxiety levels and leave the past behind. You must move forward in life and not look back. Your problems are settled and now you must forget and heal your past wounds. Forge ahead with enthusiasm and willingness to change your life and you will be able to do it. Also, your financial status is about to get a boom for a few days and you will get a lot of money from somewhere but make sure you don’t spend that entire money on something unimportant. Save it for the future and that’s how you will reap the benefits of this unexpected money. Now is not the time to spend this money. Save it for future.
Disclaimer: These are general readings, and everything may or may not resonate with everyone, so take whatever you resonate with and leave the rest.