Loneliness: New BFF Of The Millennials

Loneliness: This word in itself is capable of giving anybody goosebumps. Nobody wants to be left alone, and this is something like a nightmare to all. However, the irony is, the more the person dreads about being left alone, the more is he likely to be lonely.
But the question that arises is what is it actually to be alone? Is it when your friends go to buy something leaving you at a place for some minutes? Or is it when your group goes out for a movie when you have some other commitments to cater to? Or is it being left alone when others drink while you do not?
The millennials today take all the above situations and call it to be loneliness when it actually isn’t. These are only some of the mistaken instances, and people are made to believe how sadly they are living their lives. They have a lot of negativity spreading around in their surrounding, that they can’t accept the reality.
People have stopped respecting others’ personal space and what the majority suffers from is not loneliness but the fear of being missing out.
It is essential to understand and be able to distinguish between the two. Because if someone actually is feeling lonely, the consequence can be very drastic. For instance, the person can fall into depression, bouncing back from such a situation is a huge task. It not only affects a person physically, but it adversely affects a person’s mental health.
The person feels that he has nobody that he can share his emotions with, even at a point when 100s of people might surround him. He might seem very natural when you talk to him; in fact, you might form an opinion that he is pleased with his life. However, there is a possibility that he is dying every day from within. He doesn’t need your sympathy, neither does he want to make himself sound weak in front of the world; nor he wants people to know that he is going through an emotional breakdown every day.
The need of the hour is to realise that we are all human beings. Even in the times of such cut-throat competition, why can’t we be tender to people. Why can’t we make them feel wanted? Why do we always have to be jealous of seeing someone else succeed?
We need to understand that even if a person has achieved something good in his life, he might not be happy altogether. There might be a dark side in his life, which is unknown to the world outside. He might have lost his near and dear ones during his journey towards success, making him lonely and nobody to share his success with. He has nobody/nowhere to go to vent out his emotions or that person is on the verge of giving up just because he is tired of doing everything right, tired of being the perfect one, tired of wearing the mask of happiness and tired of trying to keep everyone happy and not letting down anybody or not to upset people because of not being able to do what they expect from him.
Understand the meaning of loneliness before you use it. It is not a word to be used carefree. Next time when you say you are lonely, think twice, question yourself, are you really? Or is it just a matter of time.
Being lonely for an extended period isn’t a good feeling. We are here for a short span of time. Being competitive is good, but losing your competitive spirit isn’t. Enjoy the little time you have on earth, try not to pull others down in this cat and mouse race. Hold on to each other, be compassionate, and understand the simple fact that everyone has a weak side, which he/she might not want the world to know. Let’s all be more considerate to others’ emotions and make this place a better place for our fellow humans.