Tilt Brush by Google

Technology and World are advancing at a rate faster than the Flash. Google has introduced the Tilt brush, this device helps you paint in 3D space with virtual reality.
I’m not more of a painter or that sorts, but this device lets you paint no matter how bad you are at painting. Unleash the creativity in you with the three-dimensional brush strokes, stars, light, and even fire. Your room is your canvas and your imagination is your palette; the ideas and possibilities are endless.

How does Tilt Brush work ?
Setup your HTC Vive and then install Steam and Launch Tilt Brush; you are ready to go!
Some of the exotic Features of TiltBrush are Dynamic Brushes ranging from ink to smoke to snow and fire, create wonders ; Walk around, sit in, sleep on your art- unlock the possibilities of painting in room-scale VR; What’s the fun if your art piece isn’t shared? Share ‘em all via Vive or bite-sized animated GIFs.

Tilt Brush (HTC Vive)
Developer: Google
Publisher: Google
Tilt Brush makes use of the Vive’s room-scale functions to create a space in which you can view and create art. In your off hand, your trackpad is used to select tools, colors, effects, and manage system functions, while your main hand is dedicated to drawing lines of varying styles, thicknesses, and forms into 3D space.

It’s a testament to the quality of the Vive itself, as well as the quality of Tilt Brush, that it was very easy to connect multiple points in 3D space using lines on different axes. My ability to judge 3D position, and connect lines based on that, was never an issue.