Tarot Reading 22nd June 2020 – 28th June 2020

Aries (21 March –19 April)

Have you been defensive about something in your life? Were you safeguarding your financial position? You feel you will lose all the money in these times when the crisis is deeply affecting everyone equally. Even if you lose everything, you will still get opportunities to earn more. You won’t be left alone. Take people with you and take help from whoever is willing to help you. You need help. Don’t stay alone.
Some of you may have to wait a little longer for things to settle in your financial area. A short wait of few months until this crisis is over. You should trust your partner and be soft-spoken with your family members, and then only you will be able to live a happy life. Don’t control them so much that they revolt against you. Handle them with care. They deserve a space for themselves, and you are interfering too much in their personal life. You are wrong if you think you own them. Give them their space and don’t interrupt them in everything they do. Set them free. They will not go anywhere but will respect you for your gesture.
Your strictness is ruining your family life. Think again before you force your opinions and beliefs on your family members. Everything you say can’t be right when you are too controlling.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Have you lost a significant amount of money recently? Has COVID taken toll on your finances? You should stop crying over the spilt milk and focus on how to bring your life back on track. You need some me time to gather yourself. Meditate and sit alone for some time to adjust to the new situation but you should know that you can bring your life back on track plus for that you have to defend whatever you have.
Don’t give up but fight fearlessly. This shall too pass, and if you work hard with your team, you can achieve your status once again. These are tough times, and they won’t last forever. Be courageous and work hard but never stay alone. Take hep of people.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

Are you in a relationship which isn’t approved by your family? You have already waited for so long? Even then you should still wait for things to fall in place because this relationship is meant to be if you stand on your ground despite many obstacles on the way of getting married to this person. Do not give up. Give it some more time and try to convince your people about this relationship. The moment you give up, this relationship won’t survive. Hence choice is yours. The situation is not that grim the way you think. With a little understanding, you can make your people convince for this relationship.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

Your words that you speak have done much damage lately. You know it, but you are in denial. Your temper is extremely harmful for you as it is taking you away from your own people. Your harsh tongue has made you infamous, and you are still in the mode to argue with your people to satisfy your ego.
The more you keep shouting on others, the more will people run away from you and the more you will face loss. Loss of your own people is the biggest loss that can happen in your life. Instead, try to be loving and talk calmly and make your people believe that you are sorry. Apologise.
Don’t feed your ego with pride. You will have nothing with you if you lose your own people. Be wise and accept your mistakes, and don’t repeat them.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

You are about to get married, and you are pleased about it. You are filled with enthusiasm, and you are eagerly waiting to begin a new journey with your partner. You are experiencing the magic of life, and you are the happiest person on Earth. Life is magical for you and you are nourishing your partner with a lot of love and care, which is what is expected from you. Keep sharing your love with your partner throughout your life. Be happy and live happily.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

Some significant changes are coming into your life. So for that to happen, here are some tips:
- Don’t bring your past experiences in the present or future. Past is over, accept it. You no longer stay in the past hence whatever happened has happened. Forget and move on. Otherwise you won’t value the change and the new beginnings.
- Follow the rules and regulations set of the new beginning. In whichever area is the new beginning, follow the standards already established and don’t go against the tide. This is not the time to go against the rules. Follow everything diligently and be obedient, sincere and honest in whatever you do. Try to follow protocols.
- Whenever you get overwhelmed, close your eyes, ears and mind and meditate. If possible, try to give yourself some solo time and introspect on why are you being overwhelmed. You should be calm and composed and try to come in that zone by giving yourself some me-time. It is normal to be overwhelmed, and if you take things less seriously, you can avoid becoming bewildered.
- Don’t let your thought play games with you. Control your thoughts, and instead of thinking negative, think positive. Change the way you think from negative, to positive.
Stability is coming to your life; you just have to follow these steps to welcome the new beginning in your life.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

You’ve worked hard, and what you’ve created is impressive and worthy of protecting. Annoying challenges may pop up, but don’t worry – you’ll get through them, the way you have in the past. Take time for contemplation – to retreat and go within. Be a beacon for the others on their path to spiritual enlightenment.
Some of you might get promotions, or a scholarship, or you may get some special recognition. You’ve done a fantastic job, and you deserve all the attention! While for some of you, the challenging times may come to an end, and you can breathe a sigh of relief. Let the past go and embrace the happier times ahead.
Your vision, creativity, and dedication to your cause have bought you great success. In fact, it may be in your best interest to get a partner to assist in your endeavours or expand the number of people helping you.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

You have had a very rough life from the very beginning, and now there is some sun shining in your sky. But you tend to live in the past. Hence you are not appreciating the brighter side of life which is greeting you now. Come out of your past and live in the present to the fullest. Your life has changed, and not just people, even situations have changed. Live your life according to what is in the present, not what was in the past.
Move on from the past entirely and embrace a new and happy future. Miracles are going to be the part of your life if you are willing to see them and happiness will rule your life. Have fun in your life and stop sulking. You are way too unhappy still because you are still living in the past and you think that things are still the same! See your life with new spectacles of positivity and gratitude. You are not grateful for what you have. Be thankful because many don’t have what you have. Times have changed, and you are still living in the past!
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

Are you rushing in passing judgements on important things? You are, and you are very judgemental. It’s a piece of cake for you to malign anybody’s image without thinking whether you are doing right or wrong with them. You are gossiping a lot which is totally uncool and uncalled for.
Don’t judge people by their appearances but try to understand them. You have no idea that you are making other people’s life hell by being extremely careless while gossiping. You are making them feel bad about themselves because they have heard what you said about them to the third person.
Always remember that what you sow so shall you reap. If you malign somebody’s image by gossiping, someday you too might become the victim of someone else’s gossiping. You get what you give. Then you will understand the power of words. Always use kind words for others and appreciate others. This is how you should live your life, and you should also discourage others from gossiping about others.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

You are burdened with the idea of accumulating much money whereas you should give some money in charity. You already have a surplus, and yet you are running after more money. You are advised to help poor and needy people and do something for animals as well in order give back to nature with what you have been given.
Be the role model for people and encourage them to share their wealth in whatever amount they feel comfortable with those who are needy. Form a charitable trust and do some good work, you have the capability and capacity both hence you can go ahead with this. You don’t know how much you will be helping poor and needy people and animals. They will bless you for your unconditional help. That will be the real treasure you will gain in your life.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

You are relying on many people to bring stability in your life. If at all you get it, it will be short-lived! Work yourself on your ideas to bring a permanent change in your life and don’t depend on anyone. Do it yourself.
Dependency is never appreciated by anyone who likes to do her / his work on time. If you totally depend on others without making your efforts, your job is supposed to suffer a great deal because everyone else will be working on it with their own speed and their own priorities will come in between you and success. They will not take this work as seriously as you would because this is your work, not theirs. Take the lead and work on your projects and supervise what your team is doing. If you don’t make efforts, nobody else will.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

Are you in love with someone? And are there many obstacles in your path? You love someone, and the situation is not in your favour. You or your partner have many responsibilities on your head, also maybe you both are heads of your family, and it is an adolescent love. Both of you have many people to take care of, and at this young age, you are forced to work hard. It is about either both of you or anyone from you. This load of responsibility is not letting you to be with the one you love.
Money is definitely an agenda between you two. You both need to stop confusing this situation. Love is not about money. Money is secondary – relationships come first. So give yourself permission to love and marry each other. This relationship has a scope, and it has a firm foundation. Stop confusing yourself with other things and marry. This relationship will last.
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