After defeat in Iraq, ISIS resurfaces in Pakistan with attack on Church

ISIS Attack – Quetta, the largest city of Baluchistan, Pakistan has been attacked and flooded with the blood of innocent people who went for prayers in Bethel Memorial Methodist Church by two suicide bombers. There were more than 400 people gathered to attend Sunday service in church before Christmas. The attackers killed 9 people and injured 50.They planned to blow up the explosives with his suicide vest at the church gate. The first attacker attacked and the other assailant let go upon worshipers, in front of being slaughtered by security before he blew the explosives, which stopped many more lives getting into bloodshed.
Provincial chief, Moazzam Jah Ansari, he said there were many civilians that were killed in the blast and fire that took place. And the spokesman civil Quetta’s hospital, says the victims were more than two dozen of them that were transported to the hospital quickly. Whereas, Children and women were led out from the main gate of Church.

There was no final validation like names and photographs of attackers. But based on the reports of Aamaq propaganda agency of Pakistan it is claimed that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) is holding responsibility for the bloodshed in Quetta’s Church attack. Being the reason Islamists attacked in 2015, the church is since then guarded with securities as the target seems 2% of Christian’s population.
The issue is been raised in Pakistan since long, as there seems discrimination in the religions. And Pakistan has launched many military offensives against Islamist militants. And in the same month, Quetta’s church is the second attack where the first was in an agricultural college in Peshawar city of Pakistan. ISIS killed the guard and eight students from the college.
The officials continuously claimed that they have taken terrorism under control, but still it is present putting common people lives in danger. Surely it seems there is no safe place for people.