What’s in the name? The national renaming imbroglio

Why can’t the names of the national assets remain same as they are? Do we not have enough problems already that need our attention? What difference does it make if a road is called Akbar road or any other road? And if the names have to be changed why only after one family. While it can be said that government naming of few airports after a party icon could be justified, but there are more national icons who have done far more for our country. Why not name landmarks after Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, and other freedom fighters , or our Kargil War heroes or even Nobel Prize winners from India.

It’s high time that we realize the consequences of the hegemony of one party. This could have done to gain the advantage in electoral arena as well. If this is so, Election Commission should meddle soon and check for itself so that no one has any unfair advantage and the election procedure is as smooth as it can be. This would result in a democratically elected government with people’s choice so that they can effectively run the country.