Self Injury Awareness Day

Matters of the mind are often complex. The mind knows not reason if it is in conflict. More so often than not, the internal demons often find a way out and appear on the body. This is how self-injury comes into the picture. It is when someone intentionally and deliberately inflicts pain on himself or herself.
Recently, the Self Injury Awareness day was observed to address the need for a system of rehabilitation.
On March 1st, people from around the world voiced their support for those that go through the debilitating experiences that lead them to self-harm. The motive behind such a day was to get people talking and address the issue directly. There were many ways in which people expressed their views. It has been especially heartening to see one specific platform that is known for online trolling become the focal point of discussion-Twitter.
The goal is to annihilate any stigma associated with the aspect of self-harming and get people talking about how help can be sought. It becomes difficult to handle such circumstances if people do not know how to react and respond to those in need.
Self-injury awareness day draws the attention of those who are not aware of the repercussions of the act. The people who are prone to injure themselves and are vulnerable should not be treated differently because of their predisposition.
They should be hopeful that on the road towards getting better, they have a great support system in the form of those they rely on the most- the people around them.
The butterfly project seeks to do just that.The aim of the project is to address these patterns of self-harm and turn those scars into a reminder of positive times ahead. Survivors are urged to have illustrations of butterflies and affirmations on their wrists in place of their marks. It seeks to reiterate the beautiful message that it made us stronger and that each bridge shall be crossed once we get there.