With the age of digitization prevailing today in India, IGNOU has taken a step towards it by adopting digital admit cards. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), one of the leading and deemed universities in India, for the first time, has stopped the usage of paper-based admit cards for its term-end examinations, which begin on June 1.
Also, the university has designated Kendriya Vidyalayas as its exam centers. In addition to that, IGNOU is also trying to set a record by finishing its term-end examinations in 18 days.
“As a significant step towards digitization, the process of examination form submission has been made completely online and the university has also discontinued paper-based hall tickets. Students can download admit cards from the university website and report to the examination centers with their I-cards. The university has also sent SMSs to the students, informing them about their examination and hall tickets,” said IGNOU media consultant Sheffali Narang. “IGNOU has established 1,034 examination centers, including 100 centers in jails for jail inmates. Over 6.2 lakh students will be appearing in it,” she added.

2017 onwards, everything right from submitting examination forms to receiving admit cards has been made online. Students can easily download their admit cards from the university’s website and can report to the exam centers with their ID cards. For the convenience of students and in another step towards digitization, the university has been sending SMSs to students informing them about their examination details as well as their admit cards, so that no relevant information is missed out.
Besides paperless tickets, the University is also contemplating to re-start the facility of ON-Demand Examination in addition to examinations conducted in the months of June and December. The On-Demand facilities will be another significant step towards digitization of examination process.
Well, definitely some start moves taken by a smart university towards digitization.