Tarot Reading 14th December 2020 – 20th December 2020

Aries (21 March –19 April)

You are in the mood of celebrating something, but you are supposed to be careful while celebrating as well. You want to drink a lot of alcohol and want to celebrate without realising that your health doesn’t allow so much of drinking. Everything might seem bright and happy, but if you don’t control your drinking, then you might invite some serious health issues. Your health isn’t that great, and you need to consider your ailment seriously. You have not realised that your health has been degrading and you have been avoiding all the signs of a terrible health condition. Take care of your heart. Don’t drink while merrymaking. Consider it a serious issue and go and consult your doctor. Make sure you are honest with your doctor on your drinking problem. Share everything, however small with your doctor. This health issue must be tackled immediately without wasting any time.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

You are coming out of your cocoon of many years, and it is now that you are coming out of your pain. You have gone through breakup years ago but you truly never healed. You were so wounded you stopped living completely, and it’s now after many months and in fact years that you have again started to socialize and meet new people so that you can fall in love again. You have come out of your closet of grief and disheartenment. You genuinely want to feel how freedom looks like. Now when you are ready to meet your next partner, you must not give in to the irrational demands of people you meet on the way. Don’t let anyone dominate you like in your previous relationship; don’t entertain just anyone. Have healthy boundaries. Don’t be guilty of being picky. It’s your life; you have full freedom whom to choose and whom to avoid. Live your life on your terms and conditions.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

Somehow you are experiencing poverty, and this is because of the circumstances. Your pocket money has been decreased substantially, and you are being punished for being spendthrift, and you are cursing your family member for doing this with you. Before boycotting and becoming rebellious to your family member who did this to you, you must consider some soulsearching. You truly need some introspection on how much you have spent in how much time. Your credit card bills have been too high consistently, and hence you have been barred from buying anything new. Do you really need so many things all at once? Or are you are spending way too much for no reason. You are spending irrationally over things that you don’t even need. You must seriously ask this question to yourself – is this kind of shopping necessary? You are taking way too much advantage of your family member’s money, and that’s why you have been limited to minimal amount. You must stop spending like this and make peace with your family member. You might be hurt or angry, but the fact can’t be lied. You really spent too much, and now it is time to stop doing it again.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

You are a very dreamy person who dreams all the time but lack action. You dream way too much, but when it comes to doing something you dreamt about, you don’t do it because of lack of confidence in you and also because of your laziness and lethargy. You push things to the future, and that future never arrives. You also plan a lot, but when it comes to taking action, you don’t quite act according to your plan because of very low self-confidence. You must start developing your confidence, and that will come only when you achieve something, and for that, you have to act. It would help if you did not go back when the time comes to take that action. You always step back and then regret. Have confidence in yourself and trust yourself. You can surely do it, and you will love when you achieve that goal you have set up in your mind. Acting upon your plans is your one of your current problems because when you achieve what you want, you will have more confidence in life and your dreams won’t look unachievable. So, take that plunge right away, and yes – you can do it!
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

You are rejecting a very lucrative job offer because of your lack of confidence and lack of enthusiasm to move ahead in life. You are extremely laid back, and this attitude will never help you succeed because of your stubbornness not to move in life. You have contended where you are, and you are in bad shape, but you don’t realise that there more in life. This contentment is so boring and unenthusiastic that nothing good comes to you and nothing good remains with you. You are dragging in life, and you don’t want it to change. You are living such life since months, and now when you got an excellent job offer, you are not taking it because of fear and because you think you are incompetent and therefore you are rejecting this lucrative job offer. Know that you are committing a grave mistake and therefore you need to rethink of this job offer. You should now move ahead in life and leave that out of date past behind. Look towards a brighter future and take actions to improve your life. There is a lot to live, and a lot of new experiences are waiting for you, so don’t let anything pull you back towards that monotonous life and march ahead with confidence. Take this offer and work hard in this job. You don’t deserve this kind of boring life where there is no excitement.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

You are having doubts over your capability in your work front. You think you won’t be able to juggle things well enough and you are having second thoughts about continuing leading your team. The fact is that you are very capable of your job and you handle your team very well. Although this is a new role assigned to you, and becoming overwhelmed with a lot of work is natural but you can still do it. You must not quit as yet and continue doing good work because with time you will be able to get hold of the kind of work you are doing and also, you will be able to handle your team wisely. Don’t give up—there no need to give up. You are very capable of doing your job, and you will be able to handle it well with time. Have faith and be patient. It was your dream designation, and now you are thinking of giving it up. Don’t give up but face things bravely and courageously. You will be able to do it properly in the coming days. You have started doubting yourself, and hence you have a shallow confidence to carry on with your work. Get up, dust yourself and continue with this job. Don’t think of quitting.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

There is something wrong going on in your family, which stays far away from you, and you are not getting clear cut answers. An internal struggle is going on in your family far off, and there is a lot of hatred and misunderstanding among the family members. You are being called to make the truce. You must intervene and calm all of them. This situation has engulfed because of poor communication and hence a lot of misunderstandings. There are extreme doubts on each other’s intentions, and hence you should try your best to make them talk in front of each other. Such situations are unfortunate, but they must be dealt with utmost calmness and sensibility. You must be neutral to everyone involve in this situation and try to make everyone come on one page. You have to make each of your family members believe that no one wants to harm anyone purposely. There have been mistakes made from both the sides, and they should accept their individual mistakes and not think that the other person purposely made that mistake. With time and effort, there be a breakthrough, but until then, you have to mediate and resolve this issue peacefully. A lot of dirt will come out in this process, but you have to be still sane and minimise the confrontation. Have faith and be patient. Things will become better.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

You are crying over the spilt milk, and you are avoiding every good that is happening to you in your life. Something is not working in your personal life, and hence you are sulking, but there too things are not that bad the way you are looking at them. You are ignoring the wealth that is coming to you and only focusing on what is a little bad and not much. It would help if you changed your perspective so that you can celebrate the incoming wealth in your family. You are on the verge of an ending of a difficult phase, and now things will run smooth. Don’t focus on the negative side of life – focus on the positives. Change your direction of focus. You are not focusing right. An opportunity is also coming in your way, which is related to your job prospect. You might get an excellent job opportunity which can change your lifestyle for good. It would help if you did not let this opportunity go away from you. Take it and be happy for what you’ve got.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

You have lost interest in your life, but because of so many responsibilities, you are not able to do something you truly want. You want to pursue your dream career and want to do something that you always wanted to do, but you are not able to follow your dreams. You are ignoring your inner voice also because you are afraid of breaking traditions, and you are afraid of facing your own people who are not used to see you in any other role. You must, without wasting any more time to start doing what you love. You love to cook and make a career in cooking? Could you do it? Do you want to become a karate teacher? Become. Do you want to go for an adventurous job? Go ahead and do it. You want to travel and work? Could you do it? Do whatever you want and don’t continue sacrificing your dreams for others. Everyone is grown up in your house, and they can take care of themselves. You have given to your family enough, and now it is your time to blossom. There will be chaos, and your family might give you reasons for not doing any job/business at “this age”, but you don’t have to listen to them unless you want to stop. If you want to go ahead and do that job or open that business, go ahead and do it. Your family will adjust to the new “you”. It will take some time, but things will fall in place with time. Don’t waste any more time – do it now.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

You want stability in your life, but you are not getting for quite some time. You have sufficient for you and your children, yet you don’t have satisfaction about your current financial position. The reason for it is that you haven’t realized that you have been ignoring something significant in your life which isn’t about money or anything materialistic, but it is about your family. You have not given sufficient time to your family, and you have specifically ignored your spouse. You have earned decent money, but your spouse has been neglected for years because you were busy in your work. This negligence has taken a toll in your personal life, and you haven’t realized how serious things have become between you two. Your negligence is the reason for the separation between you and your spouse. You should make it up her/him as much as you can if you don’t want this separation. You must apologise and truthfully accept your mistakes. If you want things to become normal, try to make up to your spouse and prove to her/him that you have changed and you don’t want a separation. You still have time to make things better in your life. Do it wisely.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

You are sad because someone has said hurtful things to you and have criticized the way you work. You heard this criticism, and you didn’t react at all who made you even angrier with yourself because you didn’t stand up for yourself. You don’t tend to respond to anyone rudely, so you took this criticism and didn’t respond at all. You know those people have been mean to you, but you are not able to counter them. A certain group of people often criticizes you, and they gossip about you, and you know it. There are several things that you should do now when this thing has happened again. You are criticized by them often. And that is to stand up for yourself which you are not able to do. Live life according to you and ignore such ill banter. It is not your problem that they criticize you – it is about them. They have free time to gossip about you so let them. You become so busy and keep giving your hundred per cent as usual and learn to stand up for yourself. Say something so that they understand that you won’t be meek anymore. Even if it means they will gossip even more about your standing up for yourself. Don’t let anyone say anything to you. Please don’t fight with them but stand up for yourself and be strong when such things happen, ignore their gossip, avoid such people in your life and live your life according to you.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

You have been through such an emotional upheaval recently, and you are clueless how to deal with the aftermath. You are extremely confused, and you want to go away from your past as much as possible because it hurts you very much. You don’t want to linger in your past also because you are very angry with the people involved in this situation. You want to move ahead, and there is a little streak of vengeance in you against those people which is because they didn’t even think of you for a moment as to how will you live when you come to know of something they have been hiding from you and the world. Finally the truth is out, and you know how cold-hearted they have been. Let bygones be bygones now when you want to get over with your past and move ahead of whatever happened to you earlier. Start afresh without those people and try to get over those people. Don’t let their doings hurt you anymore. Let go of what happened and move towards a golden future with full enthusiasm and trust that everything will be better and infect much better than earlier. You will come out stronger than before if you start living your life again. Don’t let past steal your joy and don’t let yourself remain a victim of someone throughout your life. End this victim mentality and move ahead with fresh hopes and aspirations and believe that life will be on track once again, and it will be brighter and shinier. Let go. Let go is very important.
Disclaimer: These are general readings, and everything may or may not resonate with everyone, so take whatever you resonate with and leave the rest.