Tarot Reading 7th September 2020 – 13th September 2020

Aries (21 March –19 April)

You have had a lot of inner and outer conflicts in your life recently and in the near past; you are advised to let go of it as the past is no longer there, plus you are moving ahead in life. All these conflicts were there because you felt like you were trapped, but actually, you weren’t. You were feeling trapped because you were waiting for others to decide for you, but in reality, it was only a decision to leave a relationship behind that was affecting you a great deal in very harmful ways.
Now you must find happiness in whatever you have and be hopeful for a better future. Past is gone, and a bright future awaits you. Let go of the past.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Recently you witnessed a major victory and golden days of your company. You are actually in a position where you find stability has arrived in your life. You are happy, and you are truly in a position to impact your employees’ life in a better way. You want to upgrade the rule of your company and want the betterment of your employees.
Your employees look at up to you for their bright future. This is a golden opportunity for you to do what you always wanted – to help people who work with you. You are a very gentle soul who wants the good of other people. Don’t leave this opportunity to help as much as you can and feel the bliss in your life.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

Too much is going in your life that you have forgotten to love yourself. You have no time for yourself. Although you are going to get that you wished for so much, but any kind of wealth is insignificant unless you love yourself. You are forgetting the main reason for being happy is by loving yourself. You are skipping this over huge cars, expensive makeup supplies and even gambling!
But you know they will be of no use if you don’t love yourself. Because when you do, you don’t need artificial things to keep you happy from within. You are living a shallow life, and nothing can replace self-love.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

You are basically sulking because of the flaws that you have. You are being lazy, and you are not at all take an interest in your work – be it household work or office work. You are also fed up of the monotonous and extremely dull life that you are living and your laziness to change and break the monotony is also not evident. You are not putting any effort to change your life, and you are not at all happy. Your unhappiness is reaching out to others, and people are concerned about you.
Try to shatter the picture of the monotony of your life which you have been hanging in your life for people to view – it is a false image. In reality, you are very lively and enthusiastic in life, but with the heaviness of life, you have become somebody else – a dull and dumb person.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

You have no knowledge, but you have just been saved from a major problem. The higher powers have saved you from becoming bankrupt. The things you thought were bad for you and restricting you were actually for your benefit. You have been saved just on time by your fate and the prayers of your loved ones. Something right that you did in your current lifetime and previous lifetimes, saved you this time from a catastrophe and/or extreme financial losses.
You must thank your stars, your ancestors and your loved ones for saving you this time but you have to keep in mind that you cannot continue with the same mistake over and over again. You can’t get away every time to repeat the same mistake. Check your actions and learn from your mistakes.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

There’s much stress upon you regarding your business, and you can reduce it by sharing it with your close friends who can help you and give you ideas for not to be stressful. You have supportive friends, and they are very good in understanding you, and they can genuinely help you minimise your load by encouraging you and helping you be strong. Few words of appreciation and encouragement can go a long way in making you strong. Share your problems with them and just let them take care of you.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

When your days are bad, people try to harm you even more or take advantage of you. In coming time you are advised to be strong and not take anything personally. There will be deceits and grave changes in your life which will shake your very foundation. To face these kinds of challenging times, you must make yourself extremely strong so that you can face your challenges bravely and with fortitude.
If someone wants to leave you, let them as they are not meant to be with you in your challenging times. Be very brave, and always think positive. This time too, shall pass.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

Rather than feeling trapped, take a major decision and go for it. Don’t suppress your dreams but have courage enough to do what you are so passionate about. You have given up on your dreams, and you think that because everyone is against your dream, so you should stop dreaming at all. The ball is in your court, to be honest. You have to have courage to do manifest your dream. Only if you want, your dream will come true; otherwise, it will be also be buried in the debris where your other dreams are buried.
Have the courage to face your people and tell them that you are adamant about fulfilling your dream. Face your fears and do everything to make your dream a success.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

You are basically in search of your life partner, and for that, you have opened yourself for dating, and you are getting into some casual relationships hoping that they will convert into something positive. You know someone from your past who is also in touch with you and this person likes you very much. If you dig deeper, you will get the clue; otherwise, this person is keeping her/his mouth shut because you kind of are into another relationship.
You have a Midas touch right now, and whoever you choose can become your life partner. Keep this in mind before you decide as to who will be the best for you.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

You are not been encouraged enough; also, you are being confused and not cooperated by a particular set of people. These people have a rigid mindset, and therefore you are not able to come out of biased opinions of them regarding something you care a lot about. You are like overpowered with shallow thoughts, and these people are adding to your problems instead of solving them. You invited them to solve your problems in the first place. But things aren’t going well with you now.
You are being advised to go away from these people to think sanely and correctly so that you can make this decision alone without anyone’s interference. You need some time alone and away from those people. Don’t hesitate to tell them that you are not buying their advice and you will decide on your own after thinking about it soundly.
You need peace in your life, and that can only happen by either delaying your decision or going against these set of people. Take a decision wisely and be brave enough to stand alone.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

You have everything all you need, but you just have to sit with yourself to accept that whatever you have is enough. You are too anxious about not having certain things which are basically not required at all, but you think buying these will increase your status amongst your friends. This headache of buying things after things and not having enough finances to buy them in the first place is giving you a headache.
Don’t go on that route to appease people by materialistic things because your desires will be endless. Calm down and introspect as to where you are going wrong. Buying these things will only give you momentary happiness, but there will be more than you will desire later. This desire is non stop and forever.
Stop yourself and control your desires now only so that they don’t start to control you instead. Be very cautious of your ever-increasing desires.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

You are in college, and you are incredibly excited about your studies and whatever fun college life brings. You are flying high on enthusiasm in life, and you love your life completely. You dream a lot, and you are a typical happy go lucky student as of today, and you love to study as well.
The only thing that you should be mindful is that failures and success are part of student life hence even if you fail in something, you should not get discouraged but get up again and do your best every time. Give your hundred per cent in studies and leave rest on fate. Never feel defeated and never feel limited.
You are extremely unlimited, and you can do anything. Continue to be a little kid who is experiencing newness in everything. No need to grow up, just study and live your life to the fullest. Make your student years count and work very hard.