Do We Really Care About Nature And Climate Change?

In the early 21st century, getting awards, getting recognition is something that everyone feels and applaud the individual or the recipient for. However, nowadays, it seems like every third individual who comes out on social media, shouts and plays with emotions will be the next person you will see receiving awards. Don’t know precisely whom to be blamed because #BlameGame is the real mastermind of this social media era. Our nature is depreciating, and what are we doing?
Let’s not get jumbled up in wires of untold or told stories, instead look at the most #Trending issue of this year, ‘the environment‘ or our nature. It is not like that we are not aware of the harm we are doing to our planet or are we so busy on our journey that we tend to ignore the depreciation we are causing. A new star environmental activist came into limelight when she challenged global countries government and dared to speak against and stare like a beast to the president of United States, none other than the self-awarded Nobel Laureate Donald Trump.
Yes, we are talking about the 16 years old sensational girl Greta Thunberg. This Swedish environmental activist on climate change has transformed everything, and her campaigning has gained international recognition. Thunberg first became known for her activism in August 2018 when, at age 15, she began spending her school days outside the Swedish parliament to call for stronger action on global warming. It is a pity to feel that the younger generation has to wake us up. Moreover, they have to ask us for their rights which they deserve and remind us about the sustainable development which we all beat the drum about in our speeches.
Everything was excellent from crying out in public, beating the drum of environment change and even staring and challenging the Leaders around the world. But what if there are thousands of Greta Thunberg living in our society without asking and beating the drum of #SaveEnvironment and #SaveNature. Her voice, her activism is right undoubtedly, but why an award to that particular kid only when there are plenty of people out there who are doing the same thing without coming and raising their voice. So, we can say that ‘JO DIKHTA HAI WAHI BIKTA HAI‘ policy works here also or either we can thank our media houses which are so busy to cover politicians, political news, or some leaders cow running, dog biting or goat getting killed stories. The work this little kid is doing is remarkable for sure, but why not the same recognition for those hidden activists?
The kid shouted on mike #HowDareYou and in few seconds media make the whole sentence a trending hashtag. However, Jadav “Molai” Payeng, an environmental activist and forestry worker from Jorhat who over several decades, planted and tended trees never got trending hashtags. Our so-called international award fraternity doesn’t recognise such people. The girls skip Friday school and do strikes to save the environment, might be she is making people aware of it.
Nevertheless, what about this 105 years old lady Saalumarada Thimmakka, an Indian environmentalist from the state of Karnataka, planted more than 300 trees along a four-kilometre stretch of highway between Hulikal and Kudur. Why our media or international fraternities forget or ignored these people. There are individual like Daripalli Ramaiah, who are doing an incredible job, saving our nature without harming their personal life or playing the blame game or getting in trending hashtags.
Think about it what kind of education, awareness we are giving to our young generation. Are we teaching them to become award winners anyhow or be a hypocrite like calling for environment change on one side and littering the ocean on the other side? Think before it is too late to change either the environment/nature or the world!