The Story of The Dadri Incident..

I’m forced to write on this issue after seeing an update on my sister’s FB wall. She has all rights to express her views and I duly respect that in our democratic setup.
These masala news hunger media which did treachery by twisting this incident into a communal issue, painting the other community as the culprit as a whole to insinuate the matter further, is rather more concerning to me since it enraged innocent mind like my sister’s.
We ourselves, are to be blamed for becoming prey to such Traps and unnecessarily getting carried away and linking it to other long-awaited developments, this country is heading for mass.
When did we last or ever hear that a man is murdered just because he stored beef in the Fridge, contrary which is readily available in every corner of village side market in open being slaughtered in our backyard? Take a walk to the Dadri village or if get a chance visit the interior or village sides of Moradabad, Saharanpur, Meerut, Firozabad, Aligarh, Deoband, Agra, Allahabad or the even Holy City of Varanasi.. you name it. I have spent 17 yrs visiting these places. You will realise what went wrong. No one kills for such nonsensical reasons.
The Beef killing turned out to be a Fake News just like the Church attacks. No one is going to tell you that a Cow and the calf was stolen worth INR 1.5 lakh in Dadri. Villagers found out the thief. The angered mob saw that the thief had already killed the calf and cooked in his house and even police found the residuals…This became a flash point and lynch the thief to death.
No one is justifying the murder. Happy that 6 of them were arrested too. In the first place, it’s a failure of law and order to act in the right time at right place. Media gave beef a communal colour as that burglar belongs to a minority community and it serves best to these bloody sold out #Presstitutes.
A copy of FIR lodged by deceased wife in #Dadri incident. NOT EVEN REMOTE REFERENCE TO BEEF. But who cares for the facts. Yet outrage industry of #Presstitutes making it a beef issue. This extent of lie is numbing.