Tarot Reading 16th November 2020 – 22nd November 2020

Aries (21 March –19 April)

Dearth of good opportunities is harming your progress, and that’s why you are stuck in one place. However, the situation is not that bad either because you already have a lot in your bank account. You have decent savings, and you must spend less in these times. Also, you are experiencing sad emotions because of your loss.
You must still try to find something positive in life and strive to be happy. Because if you go into deep sorrow for long, it will become challenging for you to come out of it. Hence start meeting people and start being busy and get back to work. Start living a normal life once again.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

If you think you have been cheated upon, then know that it was because the other person is an addict of some sort. Addiction is high in that person’s life because of which there is so much of loan on that person. Although the amount you have ended is not huge, but you still want to get it back.
Know that it is going to take some time for you to get your money back and even if you try to make sense to this person, she/he is not going to change because they don’t know how to and they don’t want to. But you can be a little strict when asking for money from this person. She/he is well off but doesn’t know how to save and spend money.
Also, if you are disheartened because of something going away from you, know that it is temporary loss and not permanent loss.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

In the time of gloom, your business and family is thriving, and you are delighted. You have a loving family, and your business is flourishing, but the only thing that is disturbing you is the sickness of one of your family members. You are terrified of this disease but know that this family member will become fine very soon. Still, you have to follow strict instructions of the doctors and other medical professionals. You don’t have to worry but be strong and follow the instructions strictly. It is for your benefit.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

You are having a wonderful time at the workplace and you are involved in many projects, and you are able to do them all very well. You are living your dream at present. Know that you will grow more than this, and this phase will be extended.
But apart from this, you have that one idea that can change the face of your company and this tie-up with another group/company can bring much prosperity as far as your company is concerned. You can then relax and slow down your speed, but right now, it is best for you to work hard for this tie-up. It will bring dividends to your company’s overall growth, and you will be gifted so much after you have made this collaboration possible.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

You have been through a heartbreak in recent past which has left many scars on you and because of which you have not been able to do well in your professional life as well. You are stuck in the past and not able to move on in your life.
You are advised to strengthen your will and determination to move on and move ahead in your life. There is potential in your future, and you must become hopeful again of starting a new relationship.
Try to keep your personal life out-of-the-way from your professional life and don’t mix them. Your personal life can be healed if you start another relationship again and forget what happened in the past. Move on and march ahead with hopes and dreams of a beautiful present and future.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

You are getting nightmares these days because of overthinking, which is mostly negative. You are stressing way too much, and there is nothing of that sort happening. Nothing wrong is happening, but in your head you have assumed that particular thing will happen. This thing is taking a tremendous toll on you, and you do not trust an individual member of your family/relatives.
These apprehensions are baseless, and hence you are advised to think clearly the way it is. You are not doing justice with that person, and your thoughts are going haywire but not on the right track. Control your thoughts and stop making assumptions.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

There is a conflict of opinions on the project you are working on at your workplace and because of which you are not able to move ahead in the project. Also the market looks gloomy to you. Be rest assured that you are entering in a better phase than earlier and you should put your best foot forward.
Situations will change, and you will see better days; hence you are advised to motivate your team to think big and realise your goals. Also, this project can help you personally bond with your teammates, and it can help you get their trust.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

You feel stuck, and you also think that there is no way out. But perhaps a new idea that has come in your mind to properly communicate with your family members to resolve the issue you are concerned about is a perfect idea. In fact, constant communication can solve all your problems related to anything.
There was a lot of communication gap in your relationships because of everyone’s business but now when you have decided to speak with everyone on this issue, do it asap. A good and heartfelt communication can bring all the family members closer, and this one thing can bring much happiness as well, so don’t take this one thing lightly. Relationships are based on communication.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

You are exhibiting success and personal satisfaction as far as finances, and professional life is concerned. You have everything working according to you. The only thing that is lacking in your life is a relationship which is also going to happen very soon.
The person you are involved with more than as a friend is the right person for you. You should be brave enough to confess your liking to this person because of whom you are having sleepless nights. This is the time to bring balance into your life both personal and professional. Sun is shining brightly in your life. You should make the most of it.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

Something will happen at a fast rate because of which your entire foundation will shake, and it will bring much insecurity in your life. It will be a complete turn of events, and you will not understand where to begin.
You have to start all over again in almost every area of your life. The last thing you must do is to lose hope. Muster courage and gather yourself once again even if you have to start afresh. Be motivated to begin again and do it in your way because now there is no bondage and no one to supervise you.
You are doing something new, and your bosses are better than any boss you have ever had. However, you might think that you have been lagging in the race, but actually there is no race. You are applying lessons that you have learnt in your life, and you are doing excellent in your small ways. You are not lagging; your path is different.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

You are suddenly in a serious relationship and are very happy these days. You are also being very calculative in how you must move ahead as far as your finances are concerned. Because your family life is eventually going to begin very soon and you have to have lots of savings in your bank account, you are calculating and weighing all the pros and cons.
It is still better to save as much as you can and spend limited until something big comes to you. Your materialistic needs will be met for some time until then save as much as possible.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

There are some strong and conflicting personalities you are dealing with at your home, and they are trying to overpower you all the time. You must take your power back from these people and not let them dominate you. You should be brave and deal with them without fear.
Also if you are facing a problem in choosing between many options or deciding what to do, then you must select that option which you like the most and make a decision quickly. It might not be your best decision, but it will be better than not decide at all. You will be stuck here if you don’t take a quick decision.
Disclaimer: These are general readings, and everything may or may not resonate with everyone, so take whatever you resonate with and leave the rest.
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