Tarot Reading 01st February 2021 – 07th February 2021

Aries (21 March –19 April)

You cannot think right at present, and you feel like taking a short break from your work and going somewhere where you could relax and go away from the monotonous life. You are very stressed and unable to be as active and productive as you would like to be. Your efficiency had decreased, and you need a good break from the day to day routine and from the same work every day. A break of a few days is the need of the hour. Because after this break you are going to begin afresh and think better. You might even experience breakthroughs after this break of yours but make sure that you don’t work at all on your vacation. Take a complete-time out from work and enjoy a lot with your close people. It would help if you also took some time out for self-care activities that you can indulge in even without spending much. You have been neglecting yourself a lot and for a long time and now you should start taking more care of yourself. Pamper yourself and give yourself the gift of time when you can do self-care activities. It would be best if you had some care.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

You feel bugged and tied down by circumstances, and you don’t know what to do. You feel there is no way out, and you feel that your circumstances are too difficult to handle. You feel you can’t come out of the problems you are facing and you are becoming depressed thinking the same thing again and again and again. You must not bow down to your problems first of all. It would help if you stopped negative and depressing thinking. This problem can be solved with radical and out of box thinking. Every problem comes with solutions; hence don’t think that is no scope of improvement in your life. There is always hope, and you must first start feeling confident that you can do anything and everything is possible for you. Think out of the box and you can find out unimaginable solution which will solve this problem completely. For that, you have to stop stressing and start working to solve your problem. Take help of others who can think of alternative solutions of your problems. Don’t stay alone; share your problems with your trusted people. You might get a lot of help by sharing your problem. Don’t give up, but think creatively and become positive that your problem shall go away very soon. You can come out of your problem with the help of others.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

You are very friendly, and you have a huge friend circle. Because you are so friendly and amicable, you feel bad when people take advantage of you. It is effortless to make you do everything that others want because you are way too sweet and don’t know how to say “No”. And with this trait of yours, you are burdened with a lot of work and this attitude of others makes you feel terrible as if everyone is taking advantage of you. You feel worse when people don’t understand that they are being mean in giving you their work without thinking of how will you do so much at the same time. Everyone gives you their work without asking you, and you don’t say no to them, thinking that they will feel bad. This is partly their fault and partly yours. Don’t say “yes” to everything and define a line beyond which you won’t take any work from anyone and that your priority will be to do your work—no other work from anyone. You deserve to say no from now onwards and discourage people from burdening their work on you. Take care of yourself and say no to anything that makes you feel taken for granted.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

You have not been able to hold up to your previous relationship, which has torn you apart. It has completely shaken you up, and you are deeply hurt. The other person is also not happy to post the end of the relationship, but both of you knew that the cropped up differences were nonnegotiable. Both of you were right in your place, and it was going to end someday because of the cropping up of many differences. Whatever has happened, has hurt you very much and you are in extreme pain. Nonetheless, it would help if you moved on with your life because there are many things you have to take care of. Try to heal yourself consciously and take help of people who genuinely cares for you. Right now, you will not like anything, but time heals everything and your own efforts to heal yourself will also be counted. With patience you life will eventually come on track once again. Don’t lose hope. If you are getting impatient regarding anything in life, you must be prepared for more patience from your side because what you want will happen after some time. Don’t be desperate but be patient. There is still some time.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

You have stopped talking to some of your people because you didn’t like something they said to you. You have taken a lot to your heart, and you have off-late become very sensitive. Your people have also understood that they have unintentionally hurt you and they have apologised as well, but you have taken it to your ego. They are doing whatever to make you forgive them, but you cannot forgive them and let go. You have problems with almost everyone, and it isn’t easy with you to mellow down, judge people less and let go. You have become extremely rigid, and you should now mellow down and bring some playfulness in your life. Crack harmless jokes and make peace with all of your people you were so frustrated with. It wasn’t their fault, and you had misunderstood them. You must keep the playful attitude forever because it suits you when you don’t take everything to your heart and become your best self, playful and humorous. It would be best to let go f your rigid self and share your fun-filled personality with others.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

You want to earn more and more and there I no limit to where you want to go to earn more. You value money more than you should; hence your whole focus is to earn as much, and through whatever means you can. You don’t think of ethics in earning more money. You do not realize this, but your attachment with money is extremes and harmful for your soul. You are being insisted to stop immediately and rethink your greed to earn more and more quickly. You are being asked to introspect your thinking about money. Money cannot buy you loving relationships which you have been avoiding since a lot of time. Money cannot buy you peace and harmony at home and the workplace. Perhaps you have given just too much of importance to money. You are being advised to take a step back and ask yourself how happy you are after earning so much money. Ask yourself – have you truly found your happiness which you were looking for? Give this thought some time and ask yourself tough questions because you are looking at the wrong picture of happiness. You are focusing on fake happiness by neglecting your family and people who are close to you.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

You are someone who doesn’t like to follow the rules because you think they are useless. You value your own opinions more than others, and you do what you feel best ignoring others. You don’t trust anyone saying anything to you, even if it is said for your benefit. You don’t value anyone else’s opinion. And because of this, people feel uncomfortable around you. You can pass any remark to anyone without thinking anything. Your people are often scared around you. This behaviour of yours doesn’t go well with anyone, but it doesn’t matter to you. You have become a tough person to deal with who doesn’t listen to anyone. You don’t have to be this strict with everyone because it is not required. You should introspect and realise that others are as important as you and their opinion also matter as much as yours. Start valuing your people – at home and workplace both. Think about them as well. Stop living in your solo world where only you mattered. Introspection is the need of the hour. Listen to your people. Give them importance and spend time with them.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

You are already a patient person, and you believe in waiting for what you want instead of giving up after some time. Your patience is praiseworthy. You go through many problems daily for not giving up on your dreams, but you don’t want to give up right now. You shouldn’t up, but there are many other avenues of earning money that you are avoiding. Take a closer look at the options you are being given by your near and dear ones. You are not doing anything wrong by earning some other ways because you truly need money, and you are not giving up on your dreams as well. What you want will happen at the right time, and it could be a little late as well, and you don’t have to give up on your dreams to earn more right now. You can do something else and still wait patiently for your dreams to come true. Both can go side by side. You are not giving up on your dreams by earning through other ways. You have safe business/job ideas hence do something in those areas and start earning more. Your dream will surely come true in unexpected ways.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

You are on the verge of witnessing a breakthrough, and you have worked very hard on your project. There are other people interested in being a part of your success, but they have their own ill agenda. They are pressurizing you to do something unethical and against the law. It would help if you did not compromise with them, and you must not keep this matter up to you. Brief your seniors and other important people from your company and gently tell them that you won’t compromise or against the Law. They will lure you, and you have to be strong and walk away. No need to have any intense conversations, say no politely and walk away. Also, if you feel you are giving so much time to God’s prayers and rituals and still not getting what you desire, then there must be something wrong that you are asking for. You are unrealistic, and you are being taught some lesson by giving you exactly what you don’t want. Check your desires before asking for anything against the equality and balance of nature, and you shall be given that. If you ask for a baby boy because you don’t want a baby girl, you are being given a baby girl every time. This teaches you that both are equal, and if everyone is given a baby boy only then, there will be no girl on the planet. You must open your eyes and see how selfish you had become. Come out of this rotten mindset and accept girls’ gifts that you have and take utmost care of them. Shower your attention on your girl child and empower them to live a wonderful life without depending o others.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

You are sad because of something that has gone terribly wrong. Because this was not in your hands and you couldn’t do anything, it is best to let go. Let go of your past and completely come out of what has happened. Also, whatever happened was not actually that bad, but you thought it was worthy of grieving because of the social conditioning. It is ok to grieve but only till some time, and then you must move on because excess of grieving can take a toll of your emotional and mental health. Society has conditioned you to keep grieving until maybe your last breath. Nobody realises how difficult it becomes to grieve forever. People stop to live because of lifelong grieving, which is not why we had taken birth. We didn’t come here in this life to continue to grieve and to continue to torture ourselves till eternity. We have come here to be happy as well. How can someone be happy when she/he is always grieving? Somewhere it has to stop. Stop it now itself. Start living on your terms and conditions because you have been grieving for a long time and you don’t know how to live without grieving, and even if you want to live again, society might gossip about you. It would help if you started living the way you want and not how society wants you to live. Live happily.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

You are very tired of your responsibilities and that this burden you have been carrying over for years and years. Cherish your life, take time for yourself and have a party with your near and dear ones. You should now live for yourself as well. Have fun whenever you wish to and go out with friends and family and spend quality time with your close ones. You have worked a lot, and no more have this burden as everyone has become self-sufficient to take care of themselves, you must live wholeheartedly now. Don’t stop yourself from doing things that you always wanted to do. You have sacrificed a lot, and now it is time for some fun! Also, don’t control your desire of taking a calculative risk because only when you risk it will you be able to know whether it will work in your favour or not. You want to start your own firm, and for that you have ample experience and your family is also with you. Take this risk after thoroughly going through your strategy and then only start your firm. Research everywhere and when you are 1000% sure, go for it. Just don’t rush for it. Take your time as this is a huge investment.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

You are under a lot of stress because someone else is doing very good than you, and this person is your closest competitor. You do everything to counter this person, and you can’t stand that this person is becoming more successful than you. You are always trying to compete with this person and put her/him down. This person also does the same. Always trying to pull you down. You both are the perfect match made in heaven to pull each other down. And you are extremely stressed all the time because of this competition with this person. You are always on the lookout for opportunities to harm this person on small levels. You don’t realise, but this stress is killing you. Because you got involved with this person’s life so much that you find this person threatful whereas this person had no wrong intention for you, you started it in the beginning, and she/he carried it forward. You are going on the wrong track. This comparison and competition will only give you stress and extreme stress until you make friends with this negative emotion. Change yourself as soon as possible because this jealousy is killing you internally. Don’t be jealous and don’t harm anyone, including this person. Make friends, not enemies. You are overreacting as far as her/his success is concerned. Don’t harm this person, instead do something to reduce this stress – stop comparing, stop hating, stop competing and start living without any haste and without trying to prove something to this person. Your happiness is in your hands. Stop ruining other’s life, instead build your own happy world.
Disclaimer: These are general readings, and everything may or may not resonate with everyone, so take whatever you resonate with and leave the rest.