Why Bombay Cambridge School’s BCSE MUN 2017 Is Turning Heads ?

Only their second edition, BCSEMUN already looks set to be the biggest school MUN in Mumbai, and potentially, the whole of India. Never ever has a school MUN managed to pull off such a massive event with such immense gravity. And BCSEMUN looks set to do exactly that.
With 16 committees, each offering enthralling agendas, it is a United Nations for the young and bright minds of tomorrow.
A three-day conference kicking off on 8th September, it will be providing these young minds the opportunity to gain comprehensive knowledge about various global issues; an understanding of perspectives of various countries over a variety of topics. Nurturing a creative thought process to come up with solutions to world problems; skills to negotiate, articulate and market ideas; and an ability to speak with clarity and conviction in large meetings. The opportunity and benefits are numerous.

Aside from the three days of the outstanding quality of the conference promised, BCSEMUN also will be having a prodigious social event on the second day, where delegates can relish themselves, a part of the conference where the mandate will not hinder with your idea of ‘fun’. And of course, it a perfect opportunity to make some new friends and possibly gather support for your block…
With a huge crowd like never before, BCSEMUN is certain to attract the elite group of Universities and Companies all over India. There is a high chance that this is going to be the biggest school event throughout India. And this is just the beginning, people. Only the second year.
BCSE Model United Nation was established as a platform to spread awareness amongst the ever-growing and ever-evolving young crowd regarding the existing obstacles and harrowing hardships faced by billions of beings on our planet. Folks at BCSEMUN, aim to discuss and find practical, pragmatic solutions pertaining the current troubles in today’s world, contemplating on various different methods and techniques of approaching a topic from all possible angles, analysing sensitive situations with care, always questioning and encouraging others to question and glean as much knowledge as they can about the current situations in their surroundings.

They simultaneously wish to eradicate the dreadful plague known as stage fright amongst the youth, inspiring them to speak up and lay forth their opinions and sentiments, making them confident, independent and diplomatic, eventually preparing them for their future.
The dates are set, the time is right, and they are ready. Three days of epic debates, intense discussions, informed deliberations, unyielding negotiations, and most importantly, fun.
For more, please visit: http://bcsemun.com/