
Amazon Starts Vaccinating Its Frontline Workers In India

Amazon announced that it would vaccinate its frontline delivery workers in India at on-site vaccination centers. The pilot program would start with vaccination events set up for its employees in Delhi, later expanding the program to employees in other cities of the country.

Amazon Covid-19 Vaccination Initiatives

This is the second vaccination drive launched by Amazon for its employees. The company organized on-site vaccination events for their employees above the age of 45. The company is now rolling out a vaccination drive for its frontline delivery workers. Licensed healthcare providers will administer the vaccines at on-site vaccination centers.

The Amazon blog site carried the words of their Senior Vice-President and Country Manager, Amit Agarwal. He said, “At Amazon India, we are encouraging all our employees to get vaccinated at the earliest possible opportunity. It is our endeavour to make vaccination a ready choice for our employees.” He added the company was working on several channels to aid its employees. Reimbursement of vaccination costs, Facilitating easy access to hospitals, and on-site vaccination events are few such measures.

Amazon said this was an important initiative. It is to ensure the health and safety of their employees and the communities they live in. The on-site vaccination events would reduce the burden on community-run clinics. Vaccinating its frontline delivery workers enables Amazon to continue its delivery service. There is an added benefit of keeping its customers safe.

Vaccination Incentives

Amazon is incentivizing its employees to get vaccinated. It is providing monetary aid to frontline workers to get vaccinated. The company is offering its workers ₨ 750 to get the jab at vaccination centers.

There are unique Covid-19 benefits offered to the frontline workers. These benefits are extended to their eligible dependents as well. The benefits include salary advance, Covid-19 special leave, and isolation facility support.

In April, the company announced that it would cover the vaccine cost for more than a million people in India. It included their associates and sellers along with their employees. The vaccination drive for its frontline workers is a part of the announcement made in April.

Vijayhardik Josyula

An aspiring journalist bit by the bug of Indology. Love to ponder upon moments of life philosophizing about them. I am an avid cricket buff and look forward to new and exciting adventures through reading and travel. I like writing about political events, climate, and personal thoughts on life and literature.

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