As the world is rapidly undertaking urbanization in its race for development, the humongous infrastructures are erected at the cost of rich biodiversity. Hence, without a hint of doubt, it can be concluded that urbanization is a global operator of the extreme changes inflicted upon biodiversity. However, we, humans, are not sole proprietors of this planet Earth, we call home. It is equally the home of millions of other species inheriting equal rights of securing its habitat. Hence as nature conspires to link each life in the cosmos, it is the responsibility of humans who secure the topmost position on the food chain to protect biodiversity.
Today, our focus is not humans but insects and how imperative they are for our survival and the rich biodiversity sustaining this magnificent earth. Also, how crucial to recognize our responsibility to harbor an insect-friendly environment in our urban life setting.
Insects constitute an essential element of terrestrial biodiversity, facilitating crucial ecosystem operations such as soil formation, pollination, etc. Urbanization, in one way or another, is associated with a change in pollinator community composition, including a decrease in insect pollinator species richness and abundance.
For some, the buzzing bee can be irritating, their chasing, and stinging are equally annoying, but even if you despise them, you need them. Today we may have resorted to modern food marvel driven by factory farms packed in plastic. However, at its core, the food system has relied mainly on the process of pollination facilitated by the western honey bee, and during its process, they have secured food for animals as well, and that’s how the food cycle runs.
The process of pollination performed by bees is vital for agriculture. In fact, one-third of the global food supply is pollinated by bees and contributes significantly to the ecosystem. In the United States alone, honeybees pollinate 15 billion dollars worth of crops each year.
The crops pollinated by bees are almonds, apples, apricots, avocados, blueberries, cantaloupes, cashews, coffee, cranberries, cucumbers, eggplants, grapes, kiwis, mangoes, okra, peaches, pears, peppers, strawberries, tangerines, walnuts, and watermelons.
Furthermore, researchers conclude that strengthened conservation and rehabilitation efforts for assorted urban insect pollinators will lead to significant urban conservation, surpassing conventional education and recreation programming to reap cascading benefits ubiquitous in urban landscapes and boost pollination in an urban setting as well. Hence, competently managed cities, leveraging space for botanical gardens, allotments, and residential gardens and vacant urban lots, particularly act as a hotspot for pollination services for bees and other insects.
The triad for co-existence will falsify the incapacity of urban areas to befriend bees. This triumph will also nurture a green and tranquil environment for the sustenance of bees and human peace.