How many of your family member/friends/ acquaintances have had to face the situation of joblessness even after having cleared B.Tech?
I know many people who have pursued B.Tech and turned out to be jobless. Let me enlighten you with some facts as to why such things happen.
- B.Tech is that graduation course which provides us with a large number of possibilities. That’s why sometimes when people are confused after 12th as to which course to choose they go for B.Tech. Being goalless is the primary reason for their failure. However, as Indians, we never like to take the blame and end up blaming the course.
- You should choose a field of study based on your interest rather than the money bag which will be provided to you once employed. Studying an area which is out of your taste will never satisfy you completely. The glamour of B.tech life comes with the handsome package, so does the effort you need to put in.
- Companies are looking for talents rather than the degree you hold. If you are not able to prove yourself worthy, you will end up jobless. The proper skill set is required to make you enter an organisation, without which you will not be selected. Unfortunately, people who took B.Tech out of mere pressure from family/seeing the glamours life of other B.Tech professional might lack this skill set.
There are some of the reasons that end us up jobless. For that matter passion for anything can make you learn more and skilled in it. Companies never forgo talented people. For the growth of any company, there are a set of skilled employees who become the backbone.
So next time when you blame the course for not helping you get a job, sit back and think, was this field actually your taste? If yes, then learn to overcome the situation. Maybe you might be lacking somewhere, or perhaps it is just a hard time that will pass by soon.
With this I would like to quote; “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunities.” Just keep your eyes and mind open.