Water Crisis: Act Now Or Perish

Water is Important to sustain Life on our Planet and now is the time People should realize that it is of utmost importance to save water now reduce its consumption.
Recently agrarian districts are facing only 50% rainfall leading to a reduction in groundwater level. Which further leads to acute water shortage. According to NITI Aayog by 2020, 100 million will be affected by the shortage of groundwater in 21 Indian cities and about 40% of the population will have no access to drinking water by 2030.
A report given by Mcgill University blames irrigation techniques, industrial and residential habits combined with climate change for this problem.
Acting now is the only solution or we will be left with no water in the coming years. There are no such easy solutions to overcome water crisis but what we can do is turn this crisis into an opportunity by following various techniques. We should follow some basic rules involved in our daily life such as turning off taps while not in use, using buckets and mugs instead of a shower and running tap and most important is to follow rainwater harvesting. We can do other things also like building artificial recharging systems, renovating the existing water harvesting systems, cleaning up water bodies and so on. We can also invest in water recycling focusing on crops that are not water intensive thereby improving irrigation efficiency and reducing water usage.
However, the treasure key will be to make people understand that water is not going to remain just a basic necessity but will become a valuable requirement in the coming years, which, not everyone will be able to buy. It is very important to make them understand that water has become a finite resource so we need to take steps to consume efficiently otherwise we will be left with no water.
Water is also an issue of Right. As the global population grows, there is an increasing need to balance all of the competing commercial demands on water resources so that communities have enough for their needs.
At the human level, the water level cannot be seen in isolation from sanitation. Together, they are vital for reducing the global burden of disease and improving the health, education and economic productivity of populations.
So it is very crucial to conserve water to meet the needs of the coming generation. It affects every continent and was listed in 2019 by world economic forum as one of the largest global risks in terms of potential impact over the next decade.
“There is a water crisis today. But the crisis is not about too little water to satisfy our needs. It is a crisis of managing water so badly that billions of people and the environment are suffering.”
With the current circumstances, correcting measures still can be taken to avoid the crisis from getting worsened. So it is better to be alert now since it is a highly alarming situation to fight the water crisis. If not now, then there won’t be any “later”.