Tarot Reading 6th July 2020 – 12th July 2020

Aries (21 March –19 April)

Are you caught up in something? You seem to be caught up in something, and you are not able to act or to make any decision because both the sides that have approached you for judgement are your own people whom you love, and they are trying to prove that they are right while the other side is wrong. Both the sides want you to make a decision, but you don’t know how to do this. You love both the sides equally and what best you can do is to try to bring them to the table and request them to come to an amicable solution.
This isn’t impossible, but it will take some efforts and time. You have to be patient and try to bring them to the table and initiate communication between them. And it will take some time because both the sides are very different from each other and they both have to be tackled wisely.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

You are going through a rough time right now, and you wish your mother would have been here. Your mother died long ago, and you feel her absence more than ever when you too are all alone. You have lost your partner recently to COVID-19, and you are alone with your children who are all adults and would leave your home sometime or the other.
You are very concerned as to how will you live this long life without your partner and your kids around? These are general questions, but you don’t have to worry about your children going away. They can stay with you if they want to. Don’t live in future and try to gather yourself and live in the present. Everything will settle in place and expect the best.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

Recently you celebrated your birthday, and now you are worried about you becoming old. You are scared of death now, and it is as if you are just about to die. It doesn’t happen like that. You have become paranoid and crazy, even to the point that you have stopped living completely. You are scared all the time, and with Corona in the picture, you are scared even more.
Instead of focusing on death, why don’t you focus on life? It is very easy to become fearful, but it takes a lot of effort to live a happy life. Don’t forget that life is very precious and life has a lot to offer now also, but if you don’t open your eyes, you will die before your physical death. And life will become unbearable.
Before that phase comes in your life, stop focusing on death, and this phobia of death needs to be treated by doctors or by your own working over yourself. You can always consult a professional psychologist or some related profession regarding this issue because it is unusual.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

You are in love with someone, but this love is costing you your family. Your family wants you to come out of this relationship, and whatever their concerns are, it is right. They are right when they say that there is a lack of compatibility between you two and that you don’t get along well with the other person. Although even you don’t take this relationship as much seriously as you should have, but the fact of the matter is that this relationship is not doing any good to you. It is only adding burden on your shoulders because it is going nowhere. Ending it will be beneficial for all of you.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

There is a person in your life, and you are extremely passionate about her/him; also, you see this person as your lifetime sweetheart. The good news is that your marriage is on the cards with this person and it will be even more early than you think. It is going to be soon, so gear up for that. This marriage will prove to be a beautiful companionship, with both of you, and your families will be happy with this union.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

You have a lot of money earned through hard work, but there is one thing that is missing. Philanthropy. You have everything that you need and even more than that, but when it comes to helping someone by donations or charity, you don’t even think about it. You should donate some amount or do any sort of charity towards poor, needy people and animals, and you can earn much goodwill by doing so.
Be selfless when you do any act of charity. This small thing will add up to your character, and you will feel fulfilled by helping those who need your help. This will be worth it hence do some charity.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

There is no need to be in illusion of any short cut that you would want to take. Don’t go for shortcuts whereas you are advised to work hard and that too diligently. Short cuts are not always an excellent way to do your work, but hard work always pays off. Also, because you have midas touch right now hence whatever you will do will help you achieve what you are set for. Just don’t go for shortcuts. Be patient while you work hard. Your patience will pay off.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

You are majorly confused between various potential brides/grooms as you are searching for that special one to marry. You have several options to choose from, but go for that person who nourishes you a lot. Who helps you come out of your cocoon and is true to their selves. The one that honestly conveys you what she/he means. Where there is no pretence. Go for this option rather than where you have already said “yes”. You have started liking someone else. Reading these words if you get the hint of that person, go ahead and choose her/him. Don’t break any relationship just because of any reading but do that thing which your heart says. Just follow your heart.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

You have to travel asap to the country where you have got the job. This job is out of the blue moon – completely unexpected, and you are still unsure whether you should join it or not. One sure thing is that this travel will bring hope in your life. It’s an excellent opportunity – just go for it.
This sudden movement has bought much uncertainty in your life but be rest assured; it will be a good move. Everything seems to change all of a sudden; you and your family have no clue what will come out of it. Don’t be in a dilemma and enjoy this new chapter in your life.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

A lot is going in your life, and you have no clue why this is happening to you. Then know that these are temporary things and phase and very soon you will see the bright and shiny days. Don’t think that it is going to be a permanent phase, but this current phase will bring much upheaval in your life, and you will be shaken to a great extent.
But the time that is coming will bring peace in your life, so hang in there and just don’t give up. Happy days are ahead in your life. With determination and courage, you will be able to pass this current phase with flying colours. Be hopeful and optimistic.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

You have faced transformation recently where you left your old self and embarked on a journey with your new self. You must be proud of yourself! Apart from that, forget your past and keep moving ahead. Life is going to be much better than earlier.
If you have a passion in life, pursue it and if not, then search for something to be passionate in life. It could be anything. Just involve yourself in any activity and go for it—anything like music, sand art, theatre, stage shows, skating and anything for that matter. Get involve and see how life changes.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

If you want to spend your money wisely, then heed to this advice – donate and do charity. There are a lot of people who need your help. Find them out and instead of spending millions on adventures and other things, you can really help many people, and you can change their lives. They need your money because they are poor and needy and you can afford so much that these people (whom you see while travelling to your workplace daily), can get your immediate help. They need people to support them, and they are alone. Try doing a simple act of kindness and see how fulfilling it is to help someone. This is the right time, go for it!
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