Tarot Reading 12th October 2020 – 18th October 2020

Aries (21 March –19 April)

You are unnecessarily thinking negative when actually things are falling in place. You are about to get some bonus or some extra amount from some unexpected place, and your projects are going to be successful, and hence your dilemmas and worries are baseless. You are going to ride the waves of success, and therefore you are advised to stop worrying.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

You are about to witness stability and structure in life. But you have to work for it. You have to be determined enough, and you also have to revive your relations with your co-workers so that they also work hard on this project which is actually very important to your company. This project will be a way to get back together as a team. You are also advised to bring a lot of joy and vibrancy in your life and become determined to win over challenges.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

You are surrounded with a lot of opportunities lately and have just too much in your hands. You need some prioritizing to do, and you also need to learn to say ‘No’ to people who give you extra work. There are so many things that you have to do, and you are on a very tight schedule, but you should know that you can only do enough.
Pick up your strength and try to say ‘No’ to people who think you are a superwoman/superman. You can’t do everything in such a short time because you are a human being. Say ‘No’ to things that others can do easily and help yourself if nobody else is standing for you. You have to help yourself this time.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

You have enough to celebrate as you have received a bonus this year, but you have an ill and sick elder in your house. Your elders need you in these times, and you must spend as much time as you can with them, especially if they are sick or ill. They need extra care and attention. Their illness isn’t grave, but it will make them feel good when the people they love being around them when they don’t feel good health-wise. Take care of them and spend quality time with them. They will love it.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

You are travelling overseas for some crucial official work, and your bosses are a great fan of yours. You have a good support system at home as well. The only thing you are lacking is that you don’t value your family as much as you should have. You don’t take out time for them at all, and you consider spending time with them as a waste of your time.
You have done it for months and even years but now when you know it, kindly start spending quality time with your family – very uniquely. You will be utilizing your time with them and not wasting your time. Money cannot take the place of family members.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

You have only and only success on your plate, but still, you don’t celebrate it because you can’t get past the loss of your loved one. You are mourning, and it has been months and almost a year, but your sadness isn’t going away.
You should come out of it now when life has become normal, and your work has begun. You are starting a new life, and there is much good happening around you – you should come out of your mourning and embrace life. Life has a lot to offer you – accept everything wholeheartedly.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

Don’t let your past experience haunt your current relationship or the relationship that is about to come in your life. Your past relationship didn’t work, and you experienced a heartbreak but, don’t let this experience let you avoid someone who is about to enter in your life now. You must leave the baggage of the past behind and start life afresh. There is scope in the upcoming relationship.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

You are living an exceedingly ordinary life when something very extraordinary is waiting for you right now. Maybe you have got a job offer that is way beyond your league – at least you think so, but this job will if you get it can completely transform your life for your best.
Don’t overthink and don’t feel so low of yourself that you think that you are not good enough for this job. Trust yourself and never sell yourself short. You are much more than what you think about yourself. You are extremely capable of this job so go for it!
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

You have the midas touch at present, and you can manifest anything you want, but there are situations and obstacles that can hinder your manifestation process. Also, a lot of things with happen that can make your life imbalance. These obstacles are there for some reasons but never stop manifesting; however, much time it takes – keep on manifesting.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

Whether a storm is coming in your life or you are in the worst of your circumstances, be rest assured that you will be safe and sound. There is a lot of hope in your life, and the guidance for you is to not give up on anything close to your heart. Nothing can affect you so much as you are strong mentally.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

Love is in full bloom in your life, and you are living the best of your life these days. The only thing that you need to know is that you become too emotional at times which can make you weak in this relationship.
Keep a check on your emotions, and don’t let your negative sentiments master you. Anything that makes you weak is a negative emotion because you become so vulnerable that you cannot protect yourself, and anyone can take advantage of you. Be strong – mentally, and you shall see how well your partner respects you. You must realize your worth
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

You are about to enter a new phase. It will be a new beginning for you, and new adventures await you. You tend to become vulnerable because of your insecurities and lack in confidence which might give other people reason to judge you. Don’t let anyone overpower you and therefore be strong and listen to your heart. Your heart will guide you in the right direction.